The Guns of Maskholes – IOTW Report

The Guns of Maskholes

ht/ c. steven tucker

22 Comments on The Guns of Maskholes

  1. I like that! I ran into Karen Masknazi at the grocery store today. My foot was hurting so bad and I didn’t want her to step on my toes so I just walked away from her instead of confronting her with logic. Those people can’t be reasoned with anyways.

  2. stupid people haven’t enough self-awareness to stop their stupidity

    it’s all about “I FEEEEEEEEEEELZ” … so much easier than actually applying thought

  3. Was in Target today and they forgot to put 3 of my bags in cart so I had to go back in.

    Well by gosh I went in without a mask and this woman started yelling at me to put on my mask, so I threw up my arms with middle fingers extended and proceeded to customer service and they had already started putting my groceries away.

    I was so rippin’ pissed and told them that as soon as I find a lawyer I’m filing a class action lawsuit and I’m starting with our Governor Dougy Dough Boy.

    I’m so done with this shit. 🤨 She told me to have a nice day.

  4. Miss Kitty, we need to hang out. LOLOL!

    Next time, start off with “Have you read the packaging your mask came in?” lol. I mean they all say DOES NOT PREVENT INFECTION FROM CORONA VIRUS, SARS, MRSA…

  5. I like the gun analogy. Here’s another one for you. The next time you see some fat pig in the grocery store with a cart loaded full of soda and processed foods take them out of their cart and tell them they can’t eat that shit it weakens their natural immune system. When they start whining tell them it’s not about them, it’s about others. And then grab their mask, pull it back to just before it breaks and then let it go.

  6. Logic isn’t in the left’s reasoning, instead a complete trust in their elected officials and their media outlets. to reason you need critical thinking and an independent attitude that seeks to understand why something is true not just believe because so and so said so. that is why they believe girls can be boys, men can be women etc.


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