Let’s Go For A Ride! – IOTW Report

Let’s Go For A Ride!

Images from:

1) Col Angus (Hannah) I have turned into the old man in the old truck that has a yellow dog with him nearly everywhere he goes. Hannah’s favorite activity in the world is riding in the pickup with her daddy. She would be content to go drive up and down the driveway.
2) FarmWife (Kippa) my travel buddy
3) Christy944 (Carpet) This is our neighbors cat who rode my engine to the office 20 highway miles away in a raging thunderstorm. Then he was actually smart enough to sneak into the vestibule crying until some one let him in. He spent the day with me wreaking havoc in my office. There was so much to knock off the counter. I think he enjoyed the ride home a little more riding shotgun the whole way.
4) Peter the Bubblehead (Nanook) enjoying a ride in the naked Jeep.
5) Peter the Bubblehead (Nanook and Tuukka) Both our boys love wheeling in the Jeep.
6) Douglas Wakeman (Emma and Domino) Taking a nap on their air mattress on the 2-day trip home from Oklahoma.
7) Claudia (Asher) He was one year old when we moved from Michigan to Minnesota. Asher didn’t like spending that much time in the car.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • Critters and Flowers – April showers bring May Flowers! Coming up pretty bloomin’ quick, here! Let’s see what you can come up with, k?
  • Mother critters – Mother’s Day in 3 … THREE … weeks!
  • Show offs – Hey, I know we have a lot of sassy critters among us! Let’s see some of them.
  • Father’s Day – Daddy critters with their kids (real, adopted or toys).
  • Critters with their humans – Ok, I had this brilliant idea. Take pictures with your critters and I’ll pixelate your faces (ala Mr. Pinko). How ’bout it?

Thanks to all contributors!

19 Comments on Let’s Go For A Ride!

  1. I’d sent you a pic of my Chihuahua if she’d sit still long enough. I only have to say ‘ride in the truck’ and she’s at the door chomping at the bit (so to speak).

  2. Sammy, my Maltese, goes nuts when I ask him if he wants to go for a ride in the truck. Spins and barks.

    It’s hard to get a photo of him curled up in his blanket on the floor.

  3. We used to have to take our trash to a central location in town before we got dumpsters in the neighborhoods. Even now the sight of a trash bag being picked up triggers Taffy’s “Oh Boy I get to go” excitement. Most dogs love to ride.

  4. I was delivering flowers to a flower farm outside of Bonners Ferry, Idaho a couple of years ago and one of their kittens snuck into my truck and was siting on the dash waiting like it was no big deal. Fortunately I caught the kitten and returned it to the owners before I left, otherwise I would’ve ended up with a kitten going for a long ride with me that day. I already have one cat, I don’t need another and the one time I gave a cat a ride to my parents house to give it to them she clung to my neck for dear life. Fortunately it was a short drive, but never again will I transport a cat anywhere unless it’s in a cat crate.

  5. Kippa looks pissed off. Sort of like “my human takes me along while running errands and the damn bank’s drive-up teller doesn’t have a cookie waiting for me?? Wtf??”

    Auggie took the week off. But she said “I’ll be back” very menacingly.

    I’m skeered…..

  6. Mornin’ everyone…

    I always ‘get a kick’…out of seeing doggies in their cars driving around the place…

    Cats hardly ever…but they DO exist per Carpet…my kinda CAT.

    Thanks C!

    Have a great, safe and strong week ahead of us…

  7. FarmWife,
    Thanks, and I was admiring Kippa.
    Thanks to you, too. We are in W. Tx. Don’t know her breed, but if you go to Wikipedia search, type in American Dingo, it will automatically change to Carolina Dog. Describes her perfectly, and bing search Carolina Dog, click images, and they all look like they are out of the same litter. Said to be native to S.E. United States.

  8. Well done, well done.

    One of your best Claudia!

    Hanoverfist APRIL 18, 2021 AT 9:25 AM
    Nice pics Ms. C.

    Mornin to my fellow Owners.

    Mostly servant not owners, but has the rewards for that service.


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