Congresswoman Demands Guilty Verdict in Chauvin Trial or #BLM is Going To Show Everyone That They “Mean Business” – IOTW Report

Congresswoman Demands Guilty Verdict in Chauvin Trial or #BLM is Going To Show Everyone That They “Mean Business”

I demand Maxine Waters is convicted of mounting an insurrection, if not, we are going to show, in the streets, that we “mean business.’

ht/ nunyo bidness

31 Comments on Congresswoman Demands Guilty Verdict in Chauvin Trial or #BLM is Going To Show Everyone That They “Mean Business”

  1. In addition to all of the above, why shouldn’t she be personally sued by business owners for property damage, loss of revenue and trauma due to domestic terrorism??

  2. @Pete – Theoretically you are correct with wondering about a mistrial.
    The problem with that idea is the jurors all swore to follow the court’s order that they notto refrain from view media about the trial and related news, during trial and deliberations. The defense would need at least on juror to confess to violating the court’s order and it factored into the juror’s vote. Without that, there is no evidence on which to grant a mistrial motion. The judge would also be taking his life in his hands if he granted the motion.

    Tomorrow morning will be interesting, as will the fallout.

  3. Mad Max comes to my state and talks shit. My blood is boiling. Stay the hell out of Minnesota you race-baiter. Same with Jessie Jackson, he was here Saturday night. STAY the hell out!! Al Sharpigton was here, too. What the hell are they doing in my state? Whipping up the anger, of course. Go to your own state and let BLM burn down your stores and government buildings. STAY THE HELL OUT!!!

  4. @ Not me APRIL 18, 2021 AT 11:47 AM

    Could you imagine if all the police were done away with and civilians took the law into their own hands. Wonder who would suffer the most?

    Yes I can Not Me. I imagine it often, and at this point, I believe it might be a wonderful time.

  5. So the 6th Amendment is now dead, along with the 14th and the 1st and the 4th, and soon they’ll try to cancel the 2nd Amendment

    But at least the 12th Amendment is still solid. Thank God Mike Pence decided not to test the sanctity of that one … even if it meant trashing Article II

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