Survey of Happiness Finds This Demographic the Most Miserable – IOTW Report

Survey of Happiness Finds This Demographic the Most Miserable

Care to speculate on who the most unhappy people are in America?

How about the happiest?

Well, I give on answer. Conservative women are the happiest. Probably because they know they are women.


24 Comments on Survey of Happiness Finds This Demographic the Most Miserable

  1. “…particularly for those who forever chase things in pursuit of happiness, only to discover that those things don’t make them happy — yet they foolishly continue to chase happiness through “thing after thing.”…”

    This is the corollary to the proven fact that repeating the same action but expecting different results is the definition of insanity. No wonder libs are so unhappy – they’re insane.

  2. Claudia, it’s tough to find a soul mate. Can’t imagine I’d have any luck if I had to do it again. My wife and I celebrated 37 years last month, and we are mostly surrounded by moderate to serious libs. Today we with a group if libs (in-laws) and I raised.a few eyebrows when I was asked if I had my WuFlu shot yet. They can’t believe someone would resist the fauci fraud.

  3. Real quick.

    I have lived my entire life as a free thinking, rational white male with no apologies.

    A fantastic life.

    I wouldn’t care to live the life that liberals would want me to live. That’s your miserable life. Not mine.

  4. I would like to point out that when everybody and anybody was wondering what could cause so much hatred last year during the start of Mostly Peaceful Riot Season, I pointed out that it is self hatred being projected outwardly on others. I only figured that out about ten years ago after studying the issue in depth since my teen years. Since coming to that conclusion I have tested my hypothesis extensively and never found it lacking in the least.

  5. I would actually use a more descriptive word – Joy. Conservative women have found joy in life. Happiness is a fleeting feeling. Joy is a way of being.
    Yes, partly it is genetics, but it is also a quest for the good, the beautiful, the true and the Godly. At least in my case.

  6. @ jellybean APRIL 18, 2021 AT 10:37 PM

    Actually non believers who live orthodox Christian values do considerably better than non believers who live otherwise. Not at the same level as believers who live their Christian values, but not in the orthodox progressive gutter. I read the first of many studies I have seen on this topic well over thirty or so years ago and that dynamic is static. Actually each study came to basically the same conclusions.

  7. Dr Robert Spitzer SJ has an outstanding video series,

    I picked mine up at a two bit used book store on the cheap. It is a spendy set, but I have never encountered a Catholic Church that doesn’t have at least one copy they will lend and many, many other churches have this in their library. Most public library systems also have it available.

    I met him when he was President of Gonzaga and was In Puyallup giving a talk. Never missed his talks since if I was aware he was going to be speaking.

  8. I am glad I am old and have already lived my life. As a conservative, with a smart, strong conservative man. I never had a problem with him being the head of the house, I liked it that way. God’s way. Probably the last generation able to stay home with the babies. I did work part time when the boys were older. And he was such a sweetheart, he would come home after work and cook the best meals. When he was on nights, the kids would whine, when is dad going back on days. I would say, not soon enough. God help me, I miss him so much. I feel like some essential organ has been ripped out and it won’t stop bleeding.

  9. (that choosing to pursue four basic values of faith, family, and community, is our surest path to happiness that we can control)
    I didn’t see number four so mine is a sense of accomplishment we all can have by learning something new or taking on projects around the home or community.

  10. @JD Hasty: Dr Robert Spitzer SJ, has videos on youtube with some of his talks. I’ll give him an ear at bedtime. As long as he doesn’t push the Pope or Catholicism I’ll give him a listen.

  11. TRF April 19, 2021 at 7:38 am

    Makes sense. Who can be happy when they’re dysfunctional???

    Most don’t know they’re dysfunctional, this is why we have the homeless, Antifa, BLM, Joe Biden, Congress, etc. This is the world we live in.

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