The CIA Is The Media – IOTW Report

The CIA Is The Media

Zero Hedge:

Back in the good old days, when things were more innocent and simple, the psychopathic Central Intelligence Agency had to covertly infiltrate the news media to manipulate the information Americans were consuming about their nation and the world. Nowadays, there is no meaningful separation between the news media and the CIA at all.


ht Whatfinger

12 Comments on The CIA Is The Media

  1. The lies being told to America:

    1) Racism exists at a high level.
    2) Covid should make us scared to be together.
    3) Joey Cringe is the legitimate President of the US.
    4) Orange man was very bad for America.
    5) Guns are bad and so are the people that have them.
    6) All religious people (except Muslims including black Muslims) are right wing fanatics trying to keep Nancy and Kamala-toe from doing their jobs.

    You are obsolete so get covid or the side effects of the vaccine and die deplorables.😅

  2. So glad people are beginning to realize this. I only recently learned of Mockingbird. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. We can still save this place and our Constitution.

  3. Now they get it, this was established fact in 1946. The CIA (formerly the OSS) owns and invented big tech, they have owned the media since TV access ownershio, and entertainment first became popular.

    Our government and media has been controlled by a global cabal since 1876.

  4. I think we’ve pretty much known this for at least four years, what with Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, the Section 702 “About” queries by any damn fool journo trying to get Trump and on and on and on. I’m pretty sure Ali Watkins is CIA, after she slept with James Wolfe to get classified info from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. These Journo Spooks are either planting fake news or stealing secrets, never reporting actual news. Or they are propaganda mouthpieces like that lumpy potato Stelter. Remember Evelyn Farkas blabbing about how they were leaking classified info to destroy Trump? She goes from the Obama WH to the Atlantic Council to MSNBC, never having to answer for anything. And don’t get me started on John Brennan. A pox on them all.

  5. Treason is being committed.

    How much more of a bunch of idiots do American’s need to convince the rest of the world we are..?

    Not a day goes by America is not embarrassed by it’s own, be it anything today really..

  6. How intelligent is it to boot that very cunt from the chief magistrate of our house in 2010, only to give it back to that cunt in 2018..? I’m not even scratching the surface of our Senate and who’s the major asshole magistrate of that castrated body today.

    Nothing is more precious than liberty. It’s a no brainer.. That is the legitimate struggle for obvious reasons.

    I feel it’s all over anyways..

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