A Patriot Pet Passing – IOTW Report

A Patriot Pet Passing

I was touched by this note, and I think from it’s tone SNS would like for this to have been shared.

Good evening..
Just a note that the little lady in this lovely portrait Fur did for me has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, surrounded by both fur and human family that loved her, to see her on her way.

God blessed us with her for 13 of her 14 years, and I’m grateful He shared His love for us through her that long.  She’s playing on His carpet now, and I look forward to seeing her again one day.

Fur does so much good work, he may not remember, but this may help.

He did extra work on the jeans, but captured the moment perfectly.  Today I’m especially grateful to him, because the below is what she looked like at the end.  She is still alive in this picture, but we couldn’t let her be like this, so it was time.

I’m sorry if this is presumptuous, but you two know a little of her story and have let me share it with you and the iOTW family.  

I just wanted to say thanks for letting me share the memories.  

God Bless,


I am honored to have done this painting. I love it, and hope, if not now, in time it brings you the joy that it was always intended to bring. – BFH

43 Comments on A Patriot Pet Passing

  1. SNS- so sorry to hear about your loss.

    “You think those dogs will not be in heaven! I tell you they will be there long before any of us.”
    ― Robert Louis Stevenson

  2. SNS, my heart is breaking. I know the loss, but I also know the joy of looking forward to seeing our fur babies again.

    I’m pretty sure that my Ivan (the most loving kitty I ever had) has already ‘adopted’ Mini and they are loving on each other right now.

    Be blessed and give yourself time to grieve.

  3. There are very few things in this life as amazing as having these other species sharing our lives, and very few things worse than losing them.
    I’m sorry for your loss.

  4. SNS, so sorry for your loss of Mini. I know that was mutual blessings with her being a part of your family and God gets to have her for a while. I pray that you will (eventually) find the peace that passes all understanding.

  5. Ya know, BFH’s work looks more like a photo than the actual photo in this one.

    Sorry for your loss, SNS. You will see Mini again one day as she will wait patiently. Until then she will be in the company of all our lost loved pups.

  6. A very touching moment. A loss to SNS and the compassion shown by those that come here.
    Such a great outpouring of love, we all feel for you with your loss.

  7. “If there are not dodges in Heaven; I want to go where they go!”!
    I have owned 7 “gun dogs”; mis each and want to be reunited with them all!
    I plan to die before may Angus; but if my plan “Falls agree” I will cry in sectret!

    Why dogs have been almost as important to me as my wife and kids!

    Yes, I cried in secret when the others left! No remorse or shame!

  8. Dogs are covered under God’s warranty, if you know him.
    You will have all your pets in eternity.
    Still tears me up everytime.
    They never live as long as they should.

  9. SNS – A loss of a family member, no matter how many legs they walk on, is difficult. I know that your faith will give you strength and comfort as you deal with your loss. Peace be with you.

  10. …on behalf of myself and my family, I want to thank everyone here for their messages of comfort abd support. Many of you have had recent similar losses, and some have lost a mother, father, sibling, or a child here, which is far worse, but that all of you are willing to take a moment to commiserate over the loss of an old dog speaks of what wonderful people you all here are.

    She was just an old dog

    But she was MY precious old lomg-time companion and gift from God dog, and me and mine will miss her terribly like family nonetheless.

    And you all get that. You are wonderful people.

    “Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.”
    Arthur Schopenhauer

    By that standard, you are all good people and I’m glad to have met you.

    Thank you from me and mine for sharing this bold little life with me, and understanding what a gift from God it truly is.

    Dogs even teach us about death and loss.

    And that’s a lesson that seems to get harder, instead of easier, with each passing year.

    I’m glad I have you all to help lift the burden of that lesson, and the willingness to DO so.

    May I be as worthy to hold you up one day in kind as well.

    God Bless,


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