Baa Baa Black Sheep … OOPS! – IOTW Report

Baa Baa Black Sheep … OOPS!

Campus Reform – After discovering the tenets of what is referred to as “anti-racism,” one University of Nevada-Reno professor will stop teaching songs like “Jingle Bells” and “Baa Baa Black Sheep.”

Kate Pollard — a senior music lecturer at the University of Nevada-Reno — wrote about her “anti-racist journey” in music education for Nevada Today, the school’s news outlet.

Referring to her first days as a middle school teacher in the late 1990s, Pollard wrote that “I don’t think I even knew what these songs were about, and I am fairly certain that none of my middle school students asked about their historical context.” However, when she “learned what authenticity and appropriateness meant in the mid-2000s,” she began to dive into “culturally relevant pedagogy.”

Between that time period and the present day, Pollard has had “many conversations and read a lot of literature on anti-racist curriculums and appropriation.” She realized that “many of the songs I taught as a middle school educator and even as a college educator are not appropriate and even potentially harmful to certain peoples.”

OH, PLEEEEEEZE! Read the rest if you want to here.

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

18 Comments on Baa Baa Black Sheep … OOPS!

  1. Nursery rhymes are next like Hey diddle, diddle the cat and the fiddle because it might offend diddlers. I’m being extremely sarcastic but you get the point. Every kids song, no matter how innocent is fair game to these low life scum bag, namby pamby, we’re better than you because we’re woke and your not meddlers. I hate the left, they suck the joy out of everything good and decent and innocent in order to make everything mediocre and miserable. It sucks to be them.

  2. There was a time, long, long ago, where getting a college education meant you were a little smarter than the non-educated person.

    Today….not so much, in fact, in most cases it means you’ve been ‘properly’ propagandized.

  3. Kate Pollard sailed over to the Azores…

    Got her cunt all covered with green sores…

    The dogs in the street…

    ate the green meat…

    That festooned from the holes in her drawers…

  4. This stupid brainlet is not only NOT black but she’s a mixed asian.

    Not sure why this racist hag hears jingle bells and thinks, “SLAVERY!”
    The bells on sleighs kept people safe from getting hit by horses and run over.

    Ba ba black sheep is a sweet song about buying wool from a sheep. The hell is this.

  5. Just the type of person I want teaching children./S And then they wonder why all the big businesses want to hire H1B visa holders, at least that don’t think math is racist.

  6. Next thing you know those limp dick liberal soyboys will be looking to destroy the likes of Col Greg “Pappy” Boyington and the BLACK SHEEP SQUADRON from WWII fame.

    This American Hating shit has to come to an end. And I know I’m not the only old “Veteran” that isn’t worried about a ‘life sentence’ in prison or even the death penalty.

    So these commie faggots better take notice that we might be old, but we are still PATRIOTS and itchin to get back in the fight!


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