Sh*t Texans DON’T Say – IOTW Report

Sh*t Texans DON’T Say

29 Comments on Sh*t Texans DON’T Say

  1. I deal with Lennox Dallas all the time. Wonderful & polite help EVERY TIME!

    The Toronto Division, not so much.

    Too bad about the (jerry “the jackass kneeler” jones)that ruined the football team.

  2. I am a native Californian. I lived here all my life, and can’t wait for the time when I can free myself from California.

    I got kicked off Breitbart for also saying the Dems are already transforming Nevada (freest State buy law)Arizona, New Mexico, Texas.

    But what the fuck do I know..

  3. Matt Best recently moved to the country. I thought it was Colorado. But he’s out of LA. Great entertainment. Dude gets hurt BAD in the gym more than anybody I know. He just blew a bicep tendon recently.

  4. How Texan am I? I was born in Texas and grew up within sight of the famous Spindletop Oil Field. I now live in the town where The Texas Company, later known as Texaco, got their start. Their first well still produces and is in the middle of town. Virtually every father in my neighborhood worked in the oil/petrochemical industry, including my father. I worked for Mobil Oil Corporation / ExxonMobil for thirty-five years. I still own the mineral rights to property I used to own. I own and drive two F-150 pick-ups. One is for working and the other is for going in style. I went to the same high school as Tex Ritter and worked across the highway from the KOC Hall where ZZ Top played their first paying gig. My mom went to school with the Big Bopper. I love Blue Bell Ice Cream and fried shrimp and boiled crawfish. BBQ sauce runs through my veins and I’ll be in the woods tomorrow hunting wild turkeys. Most importantly, I was born on March 2nd, which is Texas Independence Day.

  5. Nobody I’ve ever been related to has gone to California and stayed. They said California was just lousy with Californians….Hell, Left Coast Dan left California because it was lousy with of Californians and where did he land?…Boulder Colorado, which is lousy with Californians and Wisconsinistas….


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