iOTWr Critters – Random – IOTW Report

iOTWr Critters – Random

Images from:

1) Little Sis (Pileated Woodpecker)
2) Truckbuddy (Sammy) with his new Easter bunny
3) Marco (Jamieboy) Looking for a snack
4) Not at all confused (Kilo)
5) Not at all confused (Logan) And you, Sir, have been found GUILTY by a jury of your peers! I’m considering your sentence as we speak!
6) Mrs. P (Porterville Buffet)
7) Ghost (Eagle) Yorktown, NY
8) Tim (Tarantula) Not a pet. Just passing through
9) Bobcat (Gopher Tortoise) His Life is a Day at the Beach…Or Yard
10) Capt. Pat (Bunny) Cleaning House

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • Critters and Flowers – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – April showers bring May Flowers! Coming up pretty bloomin’ quick, here!
  • Mother critters – Mother’s Day in 2 … TWO … weeks!
  • Show offs – Hey, I know we have a lot of sassy critters among us! Let’s see some of them.
  • Memorial Day Critters – What can you come up with?
  • Critters with their humans – Ok, I had this brilliant idea. Take pictures with your critters and I’ll pixelate your faces (ala Mr. Pinko). How ’bout it?
  • Who’s The Most Adorable? – Do you have the most adorable critter? Remember, beauty is in the eye of … their human!
  • Father’s Day – Daddy critters with their kids (real, adopted or toys).


12 Comments on iOTWr Critters – Random

  1. Nice.

    I’m thinking woodpeckers were punk rockers before anyone else.

    When squirrels lay down like that in my neighborhood, it’s a hot day in Dallas.

    Jamieboy gets a snack with that look. My big brat really knows how to work me, too.

    Thank you for what you do, Claudia!

  2. Is that mad maxine watters on the birdfeeder in the first picture ????

    Hard to tell from here.
    nose looks right.
    Haircut looks like mad max.
    claws on feet, check.

    yep, that’s mad max alright

  3. The last snowfall has melted, and the wascally wabbits are back in the yard. The moon was waxing last night when Jamieboy and I went out for a look see at three o’clock. It’s tough being the only really good looking dog on the block, but it’s what comes from good breeding.

  4. I remember all the outrage a few decades ago about how the pileated woodpeckers were going extinct on the west coast because of all the logging of their precious, unique ecosystem. I laughed because they are EVERYWHERE on the east coast, not seaming to care what their habitat looked like. My parent’s house had a dogwood tree that was occupied by mocking birds, who claimed it as THEIR territory. When the dogwood berries would ripen the pileated woodpeckers would come to gorge themselves. Even though the mocking birds didn’t eat the berries themselves they hated the woodpeckers invading their territory. The woodpeckers didn’t give a hoot and would casually eat to their heart’s content as the mocking birds hovered all around them, screeching. Today that reminds me of libtards making a fuss over conservatives enjoying their freedom.

  5. Great pics Claudia!! I’m actually thinking about getting a turtle!?! Not sure if the gang will go for it. That Eagle is imprssive. He was posing for a coin?

    God Bless us all!


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