What A Dumb Sheep – IOTW Report

What A Dumb Sheep

h/t Dadof4 – “You can almost feel the exasperation of the dude that released him.”

Watch video here.

28 Comments on What A Dumb Sheep

  1. “You can almost feel the exasperation of the dude that released him.”

    …so just imagine how Jesus must feel about pulling US out of the same ditch of sin over and over again, or how he WOULD feel if he were like us and didn’t love us so much…

    “3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying,

    4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

    5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

    6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

    7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.”
    Luke 15:3-7

    …keep that in mind the next time YOU’RE so sure that YOU can make it over the ditch of sin THIS time, and praise Him that He provided a Shepherd to pull you out time and again as you bleat your fright into the darkness you leapt into yet again…

  2. @ bob frapples APRIL 25, 2021 AT 7:04 PM

    Establishment Republican supporters are no different, maybe even worse. Democrat politicians actually vote the way they promise to. Establishment Republicans will dry shave their voters again and again and they never wise up. If a Democrat dry shaves their constituents they are done for.

  3. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS

    We don’t have infinite patience or ability, it’s why we need Him in the first place.

    When we do think we can be “all that” for others, they just may drag us down to death like a panicky swimmer someone’s trying to rescue.

    There are many instances we just need to walk away and let them find God and suffer the consequences of their own choices. Times where our charity is only abused or even helps them stay stuck. This is why I made the help-a-drunk analogy. Only prayer can really help. Putting away the hero cape is often the best answer when the problem is constantly self-imposed.

    I’m thinking lamb-chops-for-dinner may be close with this sheep.

  4. Dadof4
    APRIL 25, 2021 AT 7:09 PM
    “Just like helping a drunk in trouble. Usually wasted time, money, and effort – and they never learn their lessons.”

    “Putting away the hero cape is often the best answer when the problem is constantly self-imposed.”

    …I’ve struggled with this many times, and on many levels.

    You see, at one time, I was that drunk with the self-imposed problem that never learned. I was actually a blackout drunk and a mean one (or so I’m told, my memories aren’t clear because, blackout) who got in knife fights outside bars over nothing.

    But I had long-suffering parents, good friends, and a Lord I didn’t even know then that were patient with me even when I attacked THEM, and one day I just put the bottle down and didn’t pick it up again, especially after a good woman who didn’t drink was sent into my life by a kindly God.

    That was 35 odd years ago, and I’ve still got the woman, and not picked the bottle up again, but I still consider myself an alcoholic because I must.

    It would kill me if I touched it again.

    My folks could have kicked me to the curb, I was the youngest of 4 and had a better older brother…but they didn’t.

    Was I worth saving?

    …I can’t answer that question, but God has.

    HE saved ME for real many years later, after protecting me through a decade of fire and squad runs where I helped save a life or two as part of the job. I had a son with that good woman who’s material life improved when she got with me, and I actually had to save HIS life literally before too, but God equipped me for that. I’ve help keep a company alive and have pointed people to Jesus so they could be saved by Him.

    So I think He considered ne worth saving.

    …but I’ve seen the other side too.

    I’ve had as a medic frequent flyer drug addicts, not just heroin, but a mixed fruit cocktail of “pleasure” drugs, ups downs and all arounds. We’d Narc them and bag them and drag them to the hospital, only to do it again another day. It did get tiresome, but it was my duty, and if life hadn’t called me in a different direction I’d still do it without question today.

    Were they WORTH it?

    Only God knows.

    I don’t.

    I also have seen this on a personal level. My wife has family in another state with 2 heroin addicts in the same house, one son led the other into it, old story. They’ve drugged their way out of very solid jobs their father got them into, been to jail for stealing, stole stuff from their own family in their own house to sell for drugs, and lost their folks’ car insurance by stealing their car and wrecking it by doing drugs WHILE driving, because their folks wouldn’t call it “stealing” to keep them out of jail.

    Far as I know, it still goes on like this, but they have sons of their own their grandparents love.

    Are THEY worth saving?

    God knows.

    I don’t.

    …I’ve also documented here where a VERY dear friend of mine, one who saved MY life at a VERY low point where I was going to kill myself over my own stupidity, where HE had a son who was a heroin addict. He tried mightily to turn that boy around, got him jobs he drugged out of, tried to keep him away from folks he got high with, took him and his heroin wife in when they lost their quarters, kept with him throgh the death of his first son, got him methadone, suboxone, rehab hospitalization, and I engaged too by trying to get him into faith based therapies, tried to scare him straight by telling him the naked truth about patients I had who were young men who were resuscitated too late after drugs stopped their hearts and killed their brains, about how his new son needed him around…ultimately to no avail.

    I played the bagpipes for him last year after Fentanyl stopped his heart one time too many and he was laid beside his first infant son.

    Was HE worth it?

    I looked that day in the eyes of my friend, the father who loved him, and my friends 10 year old grandson who was now without a father.

    It was certainly worth a try.

    Could it have been better if we all just cut him loose? Well, he would have dragged his wife and son to hell with him then, so not really an option. I just don’t know.

    Only God knows.

    …going back, I hit bottom so hard once myself I did realize I needed to climb up again…but had I not been surrounded by arms willing to pull me up when I was ready, I certainly would NOT have found my way back to the light alone.

    And so would have died another statistic and nothing more.

    I totally get where you come from on this. Sometimes tough love IS the only REAL love. The only way people can learn for themselves. The burned hand teaches about fire best, after all.

    But which times are those, and which times should we keep trying?

    I don’t know.

    Only God knows.

    …so like you, all I can do is pray for my Lord to tell me when to do, and when to let be.

    But it just isn’t in me to let people die if it’s in my power to keep them alive, it’s just the way God shaped me.


    …only God knows…

    God Bless,

  5. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS APRIL 25, 2021 AT 8:30 PM
    Believe as you well know…

    The bitch is learning the difference between trying and never giving up and ENABLING. Makes one crazy to watch or be called on for assistance/advice to only have the help/advice be ignored and then “their way” of helping ends up killing the loved one.

    Approaching fifty years of playing in that ballpark…

    When there’s success it somehow makes up (to a degree) for the ones you bury. That’s why you can’t give up as the real reward is in of itself by trying to help regardless of results. Can’t put it into words or express it properly tonight. Trying/helping is its own reward even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes.

  6. Dadof4
    APRIL 25, 2021 AT 7:43 PM

    “I’m thinking lamb-chops-for-dinner may be close with this sheep.”

    …Mary had a little Lamb,
    It’s fleece was white as snow,
    And everywhere that Mary went,
    The lamb was sure to go.

    One day Mary saw meat price go up
    Which didn’t please her,
    Tonight she’s having leg of Lamb,
    The rest is in the freezer.

  7. Anymouse
    APRIL 25, 2021 AT 10:47 PM

    …but you never know the consequences, is the bitch to ME.

    My friends kid got narced a lot. He probably was dead a half-dozen times I know of. His addict wife brought him back a couple of those times, but he never learned. It bought him a few more years with his son, and his son clearly loved him, but was that GOOD, or did it just give him more years to wreck his son?

    I don’t know.

    All those folks that my team on the squad narced, that we bagged to the hospital that they could die another day, was that good? Did they do anything useful with that time, or did they kill someone’s child in a drugged-out car wreck in a time and place I didn’t see?

    I’ll never know. I didn’t question it at the time, but did saving one life out of duty cause the death of another later on?

    Until I get judged at the Throne, I’ll never know.

    I said I saved lives, and I did, but if it wasn’t me, it would have been someone else. I worked with a great bunch of folks, and if one had failed, God would have just sent another, so at the end of the day, I didn’t matter, either, so I can only assume that a life saved was saved only because it served God’s purpose, and the cast of characters was irrelevant as His will would be done anyway.

    …and some may have died from me, too. Before PJ passed we talked some about when I took rape victims to General so they could get abortion drugs that Catholic hospitals would not give them. I was a good little soldier, so I did.

    Was THAT good? Did I facilitate ending a life God wanted? Did I facilitate a death that should NOT have happened? Would it have been better if it WASN’T me but someone with a more mature conscious instead?

    I’ll never know, till the Throne.

    All off-topic, of course.

    Sorry Claudia, Dad of 4, didn’t mean to meander, but you know when I’m around the path can never be straight because I just can’t help myself from following one thing to another…

  8. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS APRIL 25, 2021 AT 11:18 PM

    Difference between when it’s job and personal. I’m always amazed that the people on the job are able to compartmentalize so they don’t end up inside a bottle or tasting Hoppe’s No.9.

    Keeping score can be painful. Do what’s right at the time and keep moving without noting the runs, hits or errors. As you say, “I’ll never know…” None of us do…

  9. Anymouse
    APRIL 25, 2021 AT 11:57 PM

    “Difference between when it’s job and personal. I’m always amazed that the people on the job are able to compartmentalize so they don’t end up inside a bottle or tasting Hoppe’s No.9.”

    ..yep, compartmentalization is a survival skill you learn early on if you don’t want to end up in the back of your own ambulance.

    …but what goes in those compartments doesn’t go away.

    …and I’m finding that, over time, like the chest of dead girlfriend in the Earth Day guys’ closet, that shit just gets WORSE and starts to leak out…

  10. Claudia
    APRIL 25, 2021 AT 11:25 PM

    …thank you, Lady C, that’s very kind of you.

    But I’m WAYY off to the side of the topic now so I’ll shut up, but I did want to thank you for this and all your past kindness before I did…

  11. Excellent comments, SNS.
    @ APRIL 25, 2021 AT 7:24 PM

    The video is a perfect scenario for your definitive explanation, based on scripture of why the Lord calls His children sheep.

  12. Reminds me of Pandas. Too lazy to even procreate for their own survival.

    Once it re ditches I rename it Lunch and put it to good use on a BBQ.
    My Grandmother used to slow broil Sheep’s head in the wood fueled oven and did not waste any part of an animal.
    Rosemary, garlic, chili pepper, sea salt, & olive oil.

    I wish European descendants would stop believing the Bullshit that only Native Indians used the whole animal.

    That animal represents Clothing, tripe, sausage casing, Chops, roasted leg, stew meats, & organ meat pies.


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