U.K. Woman Bruises Banana Peels to Make Stunning Art – IOTW Report

U.K. Woman Bruises Banana Peels to Make Stunning Art

London’s Anna Chojnicka has created about 400 works of art so far

CBC – Anna Chojnicka never intended to become a banana artist.

But in March 2020 when she became sick with a suspected case of coronavirus and was self-isolating at her London, England home, she started to go “a little bit stir crazy.”

“The result was banana art,” Chojnicka told As It Happens guest host Nil Koksal. “It’s now been almost 400 bananas.”

These are no lazy doodles. She bruises the bananas to create elaborate drawings, which she shares daily on her Instagram page. They encompass everything from a detailed rendition of the Mona Lisa to a sketch of Homer Simpson in a muumuu.

“I don’t use a pen or paint or anything,” she said. “It’s purely by using the peel of the banana.”

Her tool of choice is a seam ripper, but she says any pointed implement will do. After she draws by pressing into the banana peel, causing it to oxidize or bruise, the marks become darker over time, and she uses that effect to create different shades.

See the amazing artwork here.

h/t Dadof4

26 Comments on U.K. Woman Bruises Banana Peels to Make Stunning Art

  1. …I was fully prepared to scoff, but WOW! What a talent!

    …Artistic genius like this is a gift from God. The medium is irrelevant if the message is good.

    May she use it wisely…

  2. Sent the link to a friend in Minn that’s an artist.

    She said it was a-peeling, Ba-dahboom, and that she would be there all week.

    Sigh. Everyone thinks they are VietVet.

  3. Chiquita should put this lady on payroll.

    First, the nickname:
    – Anna Chojnicka becomes Anna Banana Chiquita

    Then a tour across the country, in a Bananamobile.

  4. I find this amazingly good. My artist friend said a few more things before ending with the above, but I really thought she would be just as amazed and have more to say.


  5. “I would imagine it has a very short “sell by date” tho…”

    She eats them after documenting them. I’m sure the photos have a long shelf life, though.

  6. Imagine turning a banana into bread.
    Not quite the same as turning a counterfeit twenty into twenty seven million, but a way for a bunch of money nonetheless.

  7. At the grocery store last weekend, I had my pen out to cross off items from my list, old school-but it works. Anywho, I accidentally wrote on the bananas. I was amazed that you could write with a pen on a banana peel. I thought I was so cool, I wrote BANANA on the banana.
    That is the extent of my artistic leanings.
    Then Claudia goes and finds this. I am not worthy.


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