DC Cops Total Two Units While Drag Racing – IOTW Report

DC Cops Total Two Units While Drag Racing

Fox 5 Washington DC.

Two D.C. police cars were totaled after officers decided to drag race each other, according to an internal email obtained exclusively by FOX 5’s Lindsay Watts.

“Yesterday two 6D scout cars were totaled because officers decided instead of fighting crime, patrolling their beats, or engaging the community – they decided to drag race each other on Anacostia Avenue at 5 pm in the evening,” reads the email from 6D Commander Durriyyah Habeebullah. More

21 Comments on DC Cops Total Two Units While Drag Racing

  1. “Yesterday two 6D scout cars were totaled because officers decided instead of fighting crime, patrolling their beats, or engaging the community –”

    …don’t blame them a bit, seeing as how if they actually DID any of those things they’d just be called rayyciss, doxxed, imprisoned, given mob “justice”, and happily thrown to the wolves by the entire media and every Democrat and RINO pol in the entire nation.

    …honestly, learning to drag race is probably the best use of their time, under the circumstances, since the ONLY thing cops are ALLOWED to do in POC neighborhoods now is retreat, so they may as well figure out how to do it as quickly as possible…

  2. When I was a kid we went to the Circus at the DC Coliseum. The cops doing “traffic control” were on scooters zipping around playing tag with each other. I shook my head as two of them ran into each other head-on. The cops had to be hauled off in ambulances and the scooters were hauled way on a wrecker. It’s comforting to see things don’t change much over 50 years

  3. “…instead of fighting crime, patrolling their beats, or engaging the community….”

    Considering that doing those things is a sure way of having officers’ lives ruined, why would they want to do them? Especially in a city with a leftist government.

  4. They did this on a Sunday afternoon on a street adjacent to a quiet designed
    residential (upper middle-class) neighborhood in one of the predominantly black districts. So there wasn’t the usual heavy traffic from rush hour or commuters.

  5. A co-worker and I used to race to work. Every now and then we would see each on the interstate, make eye contact, and it was on. (But we didn’t act so crazy that we endangered people). It was all in good fun. We won about an equal amount of times. We even had a transit bus engage once and make me stop so my co-worker could go through from the other side of the intersection first and gave him the win. I looked up at the bus driver and he was grinning, so I got it, and grinned back. Good times.

  6. The cops were just doing tryouts for that idiot illegal street racing supposed reality street drag racing show on the Discovery Channel every Monday. Even Rat Finks, Digger, Davy and Daddy of Ed “Big Daddy” Roth fame aren’t that stupid. Or they want to included as extras in the next Blues Brothers movie or Dukes of Hazzard remake.


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