Margaret Sanger Might Not Have Been a Racist? – IOTW Report

Margaret Sanger Might Not Have Been a Racist?

Bill Scher, writing for Real Clear Politics, tries to make the case that Margaret Sanger wasn’t racist.

Okay, she didn’t have it in for blacks, specifically. She just had it in for any human being capable of procreating.


In 1945, Sanger made her beliefs on race plain in an interview with the African American newspaper the Chicago Defender“Discrimination is a worldwide thing. It has to be opposed everywhere. That is why I feel the Negro’s plight here is linked with that of the oppressed around the globe,” said Sanger. “The big answer, as I see it, is the education of the white man. The white man is the problem. It is the same as with the Nazis. We must change the white attitudes.”


“How are we to breed a race of human thoroughbreds unless we follow the same plan? We must make this country into a garden of children instead of a disorderly back lot overrun with human weeds.” (1924)

ht/ LIR

29 Comments on Margaret Sanger Might Not Have Been a Racist?

  1. Yeah…. no. She’s where hitler and his subhumans (spits) got the idea to kill Jews, gays, handicapped, gypsies…
    And much like now in the Left’s circles, they love them some jihadis!

  2. …I don’t give a fuck WHAT her motivation was.

    She started the whole IDEA of murdering infants in the womb.

    She belongs in the deepest pits of hell for that ALONE.

    …so tired of “its worse if you’re a hater”.

    …if you murder, you should die.

    …color got NOTHING to do with it, so quit making like murder is somehow not as bad when Black people do it or somehow worse when White people do it.’s ALL taking a human life, and Sanger took the MOST innocent of them.

    …she’s murdered FAR more than Hitler, no matter the reason, and so she should have his infamy, as should her followers…




  3. I know we like to thing of demons as male, but I’m pretty sure at the top of the demon chain there is a woman. It’s bad enough for a man to kill his own child, but a woman who carries a child in her womb and then decides at month 7, she’s not interested in having a child anymore, she’s a fucking demon.

  4. So she wasn’t a racist just a eugenicist elitist pig that thought she knew best who should be allowed to procreate. How is that any better? So she hates everyone but some people more than others?!

  5. From the left’s playbook: “Discrimination is a worldwide thing. It has to be opposed everywhere. That is why I feel the Negro’s plight here is linked with that of the oppressed around the globe,” said Sanger.”

    LOL. Right now, the left is telling the same lie. Nothing has changed.

  6. Hey, Adolf Hitler loved dogs…so there’s that. Actually, when I see third and forth generation welfare recipients doing nothing but suck the life out of productive people, I find myself wondering maybe she was on the right track in some ways. Not a popular opinion here but…

  7. stop2think – Welfare is because of the feds. If it isn’t available, they can’t take.
    Other welfare is feds taking taxes from us for bullshit, other than what it was intended for.

  8. My 33 year old youngest niece who was a fairly avid proabortion/plan B advocate is now pregnant with a lemon sized human being, 12 weeks old. She’s seen all of the ultrasounds and watched him wiggle around while his heart is beating…..I believe her attitudes about abortion might be changing and hopefully her sisters and mothers beliefs as well…. Uncle Willy might not be the mouth breathing pro life demon that they protrayed me as….

  9. MJA
    APRIL 26, 2021 AT 12:36 PM
    “I know we like to thing of demons as male, but I’m pretty sure at the top of the demon chain there is a woman.”

    …not me. In demonology Astaroth started out as a female demon and is so in the Hebrew Bible, but was gender bent male by medieval sexists who couldn’t accept a demon THAT powerful was a woman.

    …and in nature, the female is ALWAYS the most deadly. A male will puff up and make loud noises, but only a female will literally bite a male’s head off during sex to get what she wants. Stinging insects are matriarchal, and the female spider is ALWAYS the more deadly, and ONLY the FEMALE mosquito can kill humans.

    …and it can be observed IN humans that the male can certainly kill, but the FEMALE is MUCH more given to torture and rarely gives quick death. Females are more insidious, they use guile and sexuality to draw a male into her web, but are more likely to poison than club, more given to utter destruction than simple murder.

    A man will kill you, but a woman wants you to suffer.

    …not my doing. Just making observations…

  10. Why are there still abortion clinics in black neighborhoods? Blacks must agree to why they are there. I don’t hear of any blacks protesting that the abortions clinics are there for blacks. They protest about everything else and call it racists to get their way.

  11. “Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Why are we still celebrating her?”

    She’s responsible for more human death than Hitler. There’s a real inconvenient truth for the left.

  12. A top contender of the demon chain may be female, ex. Whore of Babylon, but the number one demon will always be Satan.

    Sanger is demonic and not only racist but her deeds proved she thought she could do a better job than God – THE Creator, determining the conditions of man’s existence. Clearly, she is not God.

    God is not mock and vengeance is Mine says the Lord.
    In Hell, Sanger has no power or control. She exists without mercy in a well deserved, unimaginable tormented state for eternity.

  13. ^^^ Yet you still show up and lurk when you can leave at any time. You still email BFH stories. It’s like you have some kind of uncontrolled slavish obsession. You know, besides the one for killing babies and what not.

  14. I like truth, reality, Mary Jane.
    I’m not “into” faux dogma, witchcraft, or supernatural beliefs systems.
    I do not need to disabuse you of your “beliefs.”
    Here and there, I merely like to expose this coven to truth and reality.
    Claw and hate someplace else, please. …..Lady in Red

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