Former Secretariat of State Kerry and Current Special Climate Envoy Bullshittery Poised to Be Dismissed as Traitor to U.S. Ally – IOTW Report

Former Secretariat of State Kerry and Current Special Climate Envoy Bullshittery Poised to Be Dismissed as Traitor to U.S. Ally


Calls for the resignation of Democrat John Kerry, the Biden administration’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, picked up steam on Monday following an explosive report published over the weekend in which Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Kerry told him that Israel was behind hundreds of attacks on Iranian assets in Syria.

“If this tape is verified, it would signal catastrophic and disqualifying recklessness by Envoy Kerry to Foreign Minister Zarif that endangered the safety of Americans and our allies,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said in a statement to The Daily Wire. “And it would be consistent with his long pattern of empowering Iran’s regime. Kerry poured hundreds of billions of dollars into the Ayatollah’s terrorist bank accounts, was a close confidant with Zarif during the Obama administration, and was caught repeatedly meeting with him during the Trump administration (notwithstanding the Logan Act) — and has never publicly accounted for what they discussed.”

27 Comments on Former Secretariat of State Kerry and Current Special Climate Envoy Bullshittery Poised to Be Dismissed as Traitor to U.S. Ally

  1. Nikki Haley is a disgusting piece of shit. She really believes she has a shot in 2024. I need that cunt telling me what she thinks about John Kerry about as much as I enjoy listening to the other top cunt, Harris, opining on anything.

  2. I’m surprised that this putz who marrys for money hasn’t dumped Teresa Heinz for the Queen of England yet…
    I hear she’s available…

  3. Kerry’s been a traitor since Vietnam – so what’s the surprise, here?
    As long as we keep rewarding treasonous behavior, it will continue.

    The rewards are so great, in fact, that it seems to be increasing – not just in frequency but in depth and breadth.

    We now have traitors in every branch of “government” – SCROTUS (the whole Judiciary, in fact), Executive, and Legislative.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Good ole Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, tax-dodging, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, hung-like-a-field-mouse, moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome. This preening Dumbshit is STILL living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune because he is so incompetent he couldn’t pour the piss out of a riding boot if the instructions were written on the heel, but he sure knows how to be a Traitor!!

  5. So the idiot on the tweet is saying Israel already said there were 200 strikes? Does he know for a fact they are the same strikes Iran is complaining about? Or different ones? Either way, call Iran a liar to their faces, reporter. Go ahead. But don’t wonder at all why Kerry was out there exposing Israel and us, and Europe to Iran, a terror sponsor.

  6. “What I don’t understand is why the Iranians would shoot their mouths off and risk losing a valuable asset like Kerry.”

    “valuable asset” lol he’s a bumbling, incompetent fool who got his ego stroked by bad guys to get what they wanted. They were done with him last year, just didn’t want to give Trump the satisfaction of stringing him up.

  7. Thirdtwin: ““valuable asset” lol he’s a bumbling, incompetent fool who got his ego stroked by bad guys to get what they wanted. They were done with him last year, just didn’t want to give Trump the satisfaction of stringing him up.”

    All too true. What I meant by “valuable asset” was “valuable to them”. It probably took no effort on the part of the Iranians to get Kerry to spill his worthless guts — probably couldn’t wait to shoot his mouth off to prove what a big-shot he was — and with Biden in the White House, Kerry was positioned to have access to even more information and leverage that they would have loved to exploit. That’s why their outing him seemed so odd to me. Talked to someone else about this, and they told me that Iran pressed Biden for concessions, and that they threatened to start leaking embarrassing secrets if they didn’t get them. Apparently, this was to show that they weren’t bluffing.

  8. I’m sure there will be another worthless “investigation”. Then the next big thing will happen & everything will be forgotten or forgiven. What a bunch of gormless fools.

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