Joe and the Escalator – IOTW Report

Joe and the Escalator

22 Comments on Joe and the Escalator

  1. Top grade US leadership at it’s best. Truth hidden from voters thanks to youtube, facebook, twitter and MSM censorship. Washington looks the other way while these commies do the dirty work.

  2. I fell bad for that person. He was an old guy & would not want that for any decent human being.

    A Democrat or socialist on the other hand…
    Break you thieving necks.

  3. @aleon

    I don’t know, I love watching Killary getting treated like a sack of potatoes.

    I re-watch it regularly along with the airplane ramp tripping and the weekend at Bernie’s descending the stair.

    I’m smiling just thinking about it.

  4. …I’m happy for everyone that they’ve never had balance problems from an inner ear issue or from orthopedic disorders like a weak knee or a trick elbow that can give out as they’re getting on, say, a moving metal platform and causes them to stumble just a bit on the transition to the angled leg of the handrail, making them drag on the side of the escalator and twisting them in a way they can’t recover from in their age-weakened state to the deck of it, right on the sharp edges of the rising metal conveyor stairs. It’s great that no one has a husband, or father, or grandfather, or uncle that this could happen to, that they’d get dumped onto this 480 volt powered motor platform that is completely outside of their control and get humiliated by someone taking a video of their struggles to right themselves and try to minimize the damage that can range from bumps and scrapes and bruises, to broken bones, to hip fractures they can literally bleed to death from and that can destroy their quality of life in their sunset years if it doesn’t.

    It’s nice too that we don’t see the top of the escalator transition so we don’t know if he gets some clothing or skin entrapped in the clossing metal stairs or the end rake that wouldn’t even be an issue if someone had just gone over and hit the emergency stop and helped that man up. That lets us chortle about how funny it looks because we don’t know if he had any blood loss or skin damage from that, or even got damage to his intestines if it dragged a loose belt or short pocket flap under and stressed his innards before the overload kicked in, IF the overload kicked in, which could leave him in a hilarious puddle of urine and shit that would just be the bee’s knees for anyone who knew and loved this man to see later, or for him to enjoy while he’s waiting for his surgery for the strangulated hernia that was exacerbated when his truss was yanked into the mechanism.

    But sure, old man goes for a roll who isn’t Joe or has anything to do with Joe, pretty funny because we’ll just pretend he is, even though this won’t in any way humilate The Peodophile or even be something he hears about.

    Yep, glad none of US will EVER get old and have any problems with mobility or technology…

  5. “Gerald Ford was a piker compared to joey.”

    where is that pos chevy chase who made his name pretending to be gerald now when he has someone he can really make fun of?

  6. Nightshade – TLDR don’t care because you’re off point

    The context was putting Biden in for the actual person. This was presented as laughing at our tormentors, not the actual old man.


  7. My old man got his rubber galoshes stuck in and escalator, I still remember it as a child. He stuck his foot where it shouldn’t have been, the galosh stretched to the point where it ripped his shoe off and he was left hobbling around on one shoe while the other rode up the escalator without him. Cussing up a storm in the middle of the mall, I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s more funny than it should be as he suffered a motorcycle accident that left one leg longer than the other so he had a very exaggerated hobble. The shoe that got ripped off had a lift in it so he could walk evenly. A mall worker retrieved his shoe and got an earful from my old man, the escalator destroyed the galosh, and I was grinning ear to ear.

  8. @ECP

    Talk about embarrassing. Once, after loosing some weight, my beltless pants got caught in a mall elevator, pulled them off me and ripped them to shreds. I went commando that day so it got pretty bad. Lots of people laughed but some women with kids screamed at me. Some guy with pictures of naked women on his phone showed them to me to try to gat a “rise” out of the situation. The local gendarmes came to arrest me for public nudity, but since the encounter with the elevator had caused an injury, they called an ambulance to take me to a hospital. On the way there, the ambulance collided with a tanker truck carrying gasoline, which caused a huge fire and everybody had to get out of the vehicles. I got out, but my shirt caught on fire and the firemen had to pull it off. I was completely bare-assed naked and scorched everywhere. Most of my body was blackened with smoke, except for old Wilbur, who somehow escaped the flames and kept his pinkish color intact. The local newspaper came around, took pictures, and asked me what happened. Pictures were in next day’s newspaper, in color. I looked like a darkened madman with a pink thing sticking out. During this whole ordeal, nobody offered to give me their pants, or even their dress, or anything else to cover me up.

    So remember this kids: never, ever go to the mall while wearing pants.

  9. @SNS: “Yep, glad none of US will EVER get old and have any problems with mobility or technology…”

    None of us will steal an election through “technology.” Whether any of us will EVER get old which we will, we won’t be acting like we’re all there when we aren’t. No one will make excuses for us, none of us would get away with what Joe and his handlers are doing. Even you have to admit that Joe isn’t all there, and the escalator was just showing that Joe has mental issues as well as a motoring skills issue. Furthermore, I don’t believe any of our loved ones would allow us to make a fool out of ourselves like Joe’s so-called loved ones do. Actually, I call everyone involved with Joe despicable and actually should be charged with elder abuse. He’s their useful dementia guy.


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