Judge Rejects Democrats’ Bid to Immediately Halt Arizona 2020 Election Audit – IOTW Report

Judge Rejects Democrats’ Bid to Immediately Halt Arizona 2020 Election Audit


An Arizona judge on Wednesday rejected an attempt by the Arizona Democratic Party to immediately halt an audit of the 2020 election going on in the state’s largest county.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Daniel Martin said Democrats did not provide “substantive evidence of any breaches or threatened breaches of voter privacy.”

The lawsuit, filed just before the audit started last week, may ultimately succeed, the judge added. But it fell short of the “strong likelihood” of succeeding standard required for a temporary restraining order.

Martin said he could also not say that the balance of hardship in the case or public policy favors the plaintiffs.

Arizona Democrats must now decide whether to seek a review of the ruling from a higher court or to advance to an evidentiary hearing to try to make their case for an injunction.

Lawyers for the party had argued that Cyber Ninjas, one of four firms hired by the Arizona Senate to conduct the audit, did not properly train their personnel and had not implemented plans for security procedures, such as securing ballots.

But the exhibits they entered, including local news reports alleging lax security at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, where the audit is taking place, did not contain enough evidence to convince the judge to halt the process. read more

Watch the audit livestream at AZAudit.org

9 Comments on Judge Rejects Democrats’ Bid to Immediately Halt Arizona 2020 Election Audit

  1. Can’t even watch Biden tonight. I will be surprised if the DOW does not drop 600 points tomorrow.
    Its a Free Shit For Everyone Speech.

    Your Dollar has already been dropping against the Canickistan Dollar and we barely produce anything as a Country except for Carbon Taxes and Rhetoric.

  2. Bannon had a great interview with Boris Epshteyn today.

    Meanwhile, the gestapo and stazi raid Gulianis home and office and another one of Trumps lawyers. They’re going to move faster now, their time is running out.

  3. Their fear is palpable.
    If more courts had any integrity this shit would not be standing.
    Biden and Harris would be in prison along with their financiers.

    It costs great deals of money to buy and/or extort the SCROTUS the Circus Courts and the lesser courts – AS WELL AS the State Courts! Must be getting expensive.
    I know Buffet, Gates, and Soros are $Billionaires, but they’re also greedy fucks and don’t want to give ALL their stolen swag to lawyers.

    izlamo delenda est …

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