Core Of China’s “Long March” Rocket To Make An Uncontrolled Reentry Sometime This Week – IOTW Report

Core Of China’s “Long March” Rocket To Make An Uncontrolled Reentry Sometime This Week

Live Science

The huge, 100-foot-tall (30 meters) core of a Chinese rocket is tumbling wildly through low-Earth orbit and could make an uncontrolled reentry through the atmosphere in the coming days, according to news reports.

The core belongs to a Long March 5B rocket (a version of China’s largest rocket), which successfully launched a module for China’s planned Tianhe space station into orbit on Wednesday (April 28). Following the module’s deployment, the rocket core was expected to make maneuvers for a controlled reentry into Earth’s atmosphere, according to SpaceNews — however, that didn’t happen. More

16 Comments on Core Of China’s “Long March” Rocket To Make An Uncontrolled Reentry Sometime This Week

  1. …probably full of a COVID variant that interacts with the fake “vaccine” the Government wants you to have SO bad…

    …and NOT an accident, either…

  2. I guess China just hasn’t stolen enough of our technology yet. But don’t worry, Xi, there’s a new guy in the white house now, so you won’t have to steal any more; he’ll just give it to you, if you ask.

  3. With Cho Beideng putting Camel-a in charge of the National Space Council, China will get all of the technology necessary to make the needed adjustments.

  4. I would actually like to see it land on Turdeau.

    Mittens, pelosi, hillary, CNN main studio with Cuomo, lemon and a few others at the same time would be my 2nd choice.

    all good, but with my luck it will flatten my house.

  5. Poor chinese rocket scientist bastard.

    You know he’s sittin’ there watchin’ telemetry with a cigarette burnt so low his fingers are gettin’ hot. Sweaty forehead glasses all fogged up wonderin’…… wonderin’ which S.O.B.forgot to carry the one.

  6. I’m down for May 9, right on the WH, while a huge Mother’s Day celebration is going on.
    If we’re really lucky, the path will take out the Pentagon, FBI, Justice dpt. and the CIA.
    Oh, yeah, and the IRS.

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