The NFL Injures Itself, Suffers Low Cognitive Skills – IOTW Report

The NFL Injures Itself, Suffers Low Cognitive Skills

National File-

The NFL has a $1 billion compensation program for players who sustain brain injuries while competing in the league, however, the NFL also has a secret algorithm it uses to determine the level of dispensation awarded to each injured athlete, and argues in court that it is correct to take into consideration what it maintains is the lower average “cognitive skills” of black players compared to other races.

While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation. However, former Washington running back Ken Jenkins, 61, and his wife Amy Lewis, argue in U.S. District Court that awarding less compensation to black people is an example of inequality. more here

h/t Joe6pak

28 Comments on The NFL Injures Itself, Suffers Low Cognitive Skills

  1. NFL? What is that? I am not sorry that I have not paid attention since they became woke. Let me know when they start recognizing that they are making $milions for running on a grass field

  2. Anyone see the irony of this? Blacks already have a slow learning curve, so the compensation should be lower since they were already slow on the take. That’s how I’m reading it.

  3. willysgoatgruff
    MAY 16, 2021 AT 9:35 PM
    “Just use their College SAT scores as a baseline….”

    …meaningless, because ALL athlete academic tests from high school on are taken by ringers, so the SAT score us really that of a nurdy White boy from Oshkosh…

  4. How could you discern that one NFL player is more retarded than any other?

    “I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect,”

    “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I’m not joking,”

    “I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

    “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor you can not do it, — poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

    Can YOU pick the retard?

  5. Might have to start IQ testing these animals when they sign their first contract for a base line. Not that I’ve ever watched a game since Capondick started kneeling. Mr. Butkus (when they still played football) would have loved taking a shot at a turd like him.

  6. There is shooting yourself in the foot NASCAR style (.45 colt)
    Bubba Ballsucker Wallace, 3 stage races, DaniCunt, & “the Chase”

    And there is shooting yourself in the foot NFL style. (A 10 guage full of buck)
    Kneeling, concussions, Deflategate {pressure drops in cold weather assholes) ans Colon Krap-on-Dick)

    I watch until Brady Retires.
    Go Florida, A FREE STATE!
    I have no Idea what that is like living in Canuckistan.

  7. Past performance in anything should not keep a person from getting equal compensation for an on-the=job injury. A low SAT or IQ should not even be considered. A concussion or brain injury suffered prior to playing in the NFL is understandable and may be a legit excuse for limiting a payout. But not race. In any event, I wonder if the NFL tests cognitive skills before an athlete is allowed to play.

    I don’t see or hear too much racism anymore, but if anything is racist, this NFL scheme is blatantly so. It is so out in left field I can barely believe it is true.

    If it is true, shame on the NFL, which sucks even more than I thought.

  8. Not gonna pile onto the blacks are naturally cognitively inferior theme. Between government welfare policies of the past 50+ years fostering the breakup of black families and crappy government schools without school choice so they can escape (Thank you ya frickin’ Dems) many of these folks haven’t had a chance. Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are two of my heroes. Nothing dumb about them. That said, eff the NFL. Love seeing them hoisted on their own hypocritical petard.

  9. The NFL is so screwed if they go down this road.
    They think the ratings are bad now just wait until blm and Capernick get a hold of this.
    That is about as racist as it gets.
    Do I care no, do they deserve all all that is coming at them yes.

  10. I hope this gets WIDELY publicized and damages the NFL even more.
    – The NFL decided to be my political enemy so I will root for their demise

  11. So basically the National Felons League is admitting good football players don’t really earn their high school degrees or college admittance. They get pushed through so they can make colleges and the league money faster.

  12. Delicious, only a lawyer could come up with something this twisted…Why compensate someone for something they never had in the first place according to their genetic code?

    Next they will be telling us Redskins we can’t sue liquor companies because our livers can’t process alcohol the same as other races.

    Is it true, yes it is. Is it smart? The NFL is about to really implode now, look at all the Golden Globe fuss. This pales in comparison to this (no paleface pun intended),

  13. How is that fair? Come on NFL! You hypocritical bunch of goobers! If as YOU say blacks are slower shouldn’t they be more at risk for injuries and due more compensation since YOU put them in harm’s way to entertain us for your profit! Do YOU enjoy talking advantage of black athletes?
    Come on man!

  14. “While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation.”

    Oh, this is gonna be good. I’m thinkin’ it’s very likely TRUE, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be fun to watch them try to argue their way out of this pretzel.

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