LOL…Someone Deep Fakes Someone Else’s Joke – IOTW Report

LOL…Someone Deep Fakes Someone Else’s Joke

This is odd, but cracked me up.

She is obviously trolling, and many didn’t get the joke and kept telling her is was Alex Jones. She kept feigning bewilderment. It was kind of funny, until someone topped her. They made a deep fake animation out of it. It is so nonsensical and stupid it made me laugh.

By the way, it looks like animators are sort of out of business in the next few years.

11 Comments on LOL…Someone Deep Fakes Someone Else’s Joke

  1. Why are animators out of business? A lot of popular downloads currently being pirated are animations. That’s how I know what’s in theaters and TV, don’t judge me.

  2. Because no one is animating that. It’s automated.
    No team necessary.
    One drawing and look what can be done with it… by an amateur who bought a program.

  3. @BFH…..

    So with the right program……

    โ€œIโ€ can sing Elvis songs….or star in any movie scene…?

    Oh my word…..the fun with my grands…..!


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