Pot Heads Used To Eat Ben & Jerry’s To Quench Munchies – Soon It Will Be the High – IOTW Report

Pot Heads Used To Eat Ben & Jerry’s To Quench Munchies – Soon It Will Be the High


Ben & Jerry’s made a bold new flavor announcement in May 2019: CBD ice cream was coming … “as soon as it’s legalized at the federal level.”

With Covid in the U.S. winding down (fingers crossed), the Consumer Brands Association is bringing lobbying efforts for federal cannabis legislation back to its “front burner,” said Stacy Papadopoulos, the trade group’s general counsel. While small brands are forging ahead, big companies are seeking more clarity and remain hesitant due to the patchwork of state regulations and uncertainty about what types of products could be allowed, she said.

“Most of our large recognizable brands are sitting on the sidelines,” she said. “They don’t want to subject themselves to lawsuits or, even worse, that something they were doing in the space was not entirely safe for consumers.”

As a result, plenty of money is being left on the table. Even without the marketing might of big-name consumer companies, the edibles market in the U.S. grew 20% last year to $1.1 billion according to Surfside, a data analytics company specializing in cannabis.


20 Comments on Pot Heads Used To Eat Ben & Jerry’s To Quench Munchies – Soon It Will Be the High

  1. If it’s just cbd made from hemp there is no thc.
    I use cbd cream. After a car accident about 4 yrs ago I ate so much tylenol and ibuprofen to ease the pain of acute whiplash my liver hurt.
    I had over a dozen creams and lotions that did nothing.
    My friend gave me some cbd cream. It works. It’s great stuff.
    The oils do wonders for anxiety and sleep aid.

    But cbd in ice cream? Publicicy stunt.

  2. BFH; You should know some of those people you label “potheads” deal with crippling pain, & turn to THC because their bodies do not tolerate opioids; there aren’t a lot of choices beyond what NSAIDS can handle.
    Maybe take your little prejudices & stick them where the sun don’t shine, hey?

  3. I have never ate any Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and never will because I don’t support left wing companies like B & J’s. And putting CBD into ice cream is another dumb stoner idea, what next infusing fast food from Taco Hell & Jack in the box with CBD as well. I grew up a long time ago when I quit smoking dope back on Labor Day 1975 (with an immense help from God) and don’t miss it one damn bit. Aging Baby boomers are their own worst enemies and are perpetual Peter Pans who have refused to grow up, I for one will not participate in their continuing stupidity.

  4. gin blossom June 1, 2021 at 8:14 am

    A stoned population is a compliant and easily manipulated population.

    Only if you’re stoned at the time. When the THC wears off – like booze, you are pretty much back to normal. You’re still the same person. If you have a defiant demeanor in the first place, you’ll be defiant and not compliant to the bitter end. That’s how I roll.

  5. As far as medical pot, if used properly can be good.
    The VA wanted to give my brother 300 oxy’s a month for pain management.
    They wanted to turn him into an addict.
    He turned them down and got his card. He grows enough for himself only.
    He doesn’t use it often but it’s better than becoming an opiod addict.

  6. CBD is such a racket, considering you’re paying actual marijuana prices for something that doesn’t work with any tangible effect UNLESS you take in a small amount of THC with it. In which case, you may as well just smoke pot and get a buzz for the high cost. Tantamount to paying $10 for a bottle of fancy NA beer and telling yourself it’s helping your health somehow. Many fools and their money have been parted these past few years over this useless gimmick.

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