This is what happens when a government becomes a criminal enterprise – IOTW Report

This is what happens when a government becomes a criminal enterprise

Mark Levin on our State’s relentless pursuit to destroy Trump because… they fear him.

5 Comments on This is what happens when a government becomes a criminal enterprise

  1. Forgive me for hijacking this thread for a moment since today is the 77th anniversary D Day. Today’s American thinker has an excellent article called Great generations by William Campenni in which he has has the full 1 hr. and 22 minutes CBS Reports documentary D Day plus 20 Eisenhower returns to Europe with Walter Cronkite reporting. I watched this documentary with my dad when I was 11 in 1964 and it’s still as powerful a documentary as it was back then and is well worth watching the whole documentary. I also personally knew an older gentleman named John who was a customer of mine and a florist in Moscow, Idaho who was a D Day veteran. He hated war because of what he had experienced in World War 2, he was a good man who passed away in the late 90’s. I don’t know if this current generation could fight a war like my uncles and my dad and others of that generation did because of all the woke bs they’ve been exposed to and lack of knowledge about the history of WW 2. The comments Eisenhower made about about D Day at the end of that documentary are very profound. If we got into another world war now under this current presidency and administration I’m afraid we’d get our ass kicked because since Vietnam (and Korea) we’ve lost the will to fight a war with a victorious ending. May God bless all the old guys who are in their mid to late 90’s now who fought on D Day 77 years ago today and at the end of WW 2, they did a tremendous job in saving the world for freedom and may we never forget their sacrifices.

  2. Biden and his communist handlers are following the cloward/piven/alinsky play book.

    First defund and demoralize Police, then release criminals from prison and finally open the borders to central american gangs and criminals.

    Overload the system and destroy it.
    China Joe and Iran obama are gettin’ the job done, transforming the US. Yeah, it’s criminal, but NO investigations, NO indictments, NO prosecutions. DOJ and FBI NO Honor or Integrity.


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