Senators Ask US Marshals for ‘All Documents’ Related to Supreme Court Justices’ Trips – IOTW Report

Senators Ask US Marshals for ‘All Documents’ Related to Supreme Court Justices’ Trips

Epoch Times:

Two senators have asked the U.S. Marshals Service for information on where U.S. Supreme Court justices might have traveled, saying that it would improve transparency.

“The justices of our highest court are subject to the lowest standards of transparency of any senior officials across the federal government,” wrote Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and John Kennedy (R-La.) in a letter dated June 4, which was made public on Tuesday, according to reports. They asked the Marshals Service for “all documents” related to trips taken by justices over the past decade.

The U.S. Marshals Service can be requested to provide security for justices for domestic travel outside of Washington. Normally, the Supreme Court Police handles their protection.

The documents, according to Kennedy and Whitehouse, will “help us assess how disclosures by members of the Court accord with the judicial branch’s disclosure standards, and to improve the consistency of disclosure standards across the three branches.”

Whitehouse is the chair of Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights, while Kennedy is the ranking Republican on the panel. more here

14 Comments on Senators Ask US Marshals for ‘All Documents’ Related to Supreme Court Justices’ Trips

  1. So that’s how the packing starts: By Dems checking the Supremes’ luggage for baggage.

    I guess Kavanaugh is uder the microscope again. And we may find out about a few more John Roberts seizures.

  2. One name jumps out in front, John Roberts. As I read at the link this info has been requested in the past and he has yet to answer.
    Gosh Wally, you don’t suppose his trips to pedo island with Jeffery Epstein have anything to do with this.

  3. I don’t know of any other time in history where Senators are looking into the personal lives of SCOTUS. They are not God (SCOTUS), but they certainly act like it sometimes. If they look at one they have to look at them all – that’s how they go about snooping. Surely the other members of the SCOTUS know what’s being said about Roberts. Maybe a couple of SCOTUS are pushing for the scrutiny of their fellow judges. It will certainly put a mar and more distrust in their ability to be fair and non-bias.

  4. Wild Bill, how about some ballistics checks on all weapons in the Capitol that day, and when they were fired? The bullet which killed Ashli Babbit should be available for matching, I believe whenever a weapon is fired in the line of duty, a report must be filed as to the time, date and circumstances. I could be wrong, though. Or maybe all of this info will come out in the discovery phase of the lawsuit filed by Ashli Babbitt’s family.

  5. YEP!!

    This would make sense asa national law, state level politicians all the way up the chain to President.
    ………….annually along with Psych evals & unscheduled urine tests.
    With real time consequences.

  6. if you’re going to be a SCJ, you should live to certain standards. They must lead by example, not be subject to influence wherever they travel. Above board comes to mind.

    if roberts went to pedo island he’d been really stoopid to take along a marshall. Really Stoopid


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