Joe Biden Is Being Put On Mt. Rushmore – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Is Being Put On Mt. Rushmore

23 Comments on Joe Biden Is Being Put On Mt. Rushmore

  1. We need a new monument for traitors. Call it Mt. Assmore, with Biden, Obama, Clinton, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Benedict Arnold. I’m sure there are way more, Pence, Barr,……………

  2. Put him on the $20 dollar bill…
    it’s about to be worth $3.

    Replace Lincoln with Obama on the $5 bill.

    Yeah, I know the rules for Presidential images on money.

    I’m happy just being on the dime.

  3. Mount Duncemore is actually more like it. It’s the highest point in a dismal swamp located in Delaware, just a few feet from Dementia Joe’s backyard near the basement that he sequestered in during his highly successful theft of the 2020 election. The ChiComs made their contribution through Humper for the purchase of this property years ago, so don’t send any money. It’s already bought and paid for, just like President* Obiden Bama.

  4. Sleepy Joe, sleepy Joe where have you been?
    I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.
    Sleepy Joe, sleepy Joe what did she say?
    She said,learn how to treat me,till then go away!
    Come on man! Who does she think I am? She looks like my mom! Geeze.


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