Asian Man Defends Himself From Antifa Assault by Clunking Attacker On Head – They Whine and Cry to Police – IOTW Report

Asian Man Defends Himself From Antifa Assault by Clunking Attacker On Head – They Whine and Cry to Police

I loathe these m*therf*ckers. To a man, and a woman, they need to be eradicated.

22 Comments on Asian Man Defends Himself From Antifa Assault by Clunking Attacker On Head – They Whine and Cry to Police

  1. Keep pushing you BLM/Antifa motherfuckers. We vastly outnumber you and some day soon you are going to be put down hard. The beatings you are going to get will put an end to your shit once and for all. Spoiled pieces of commie pond scum.

    We will be coming for your worthless asses.

  2. When people are minding their own business, attempting to live a peaceful life and just want to be left alone, they have every right to protect themselves if someone puts their hands on them, violates their space or attempts to harm them in any way. Living in a conservative state, not a lot of this happens because perpetrators understand that there will be a swift reaction to such foolishness. Only in areas where the “authorities” protect the trouble makers does this occur. And, it most likely wouldn’t be a water bottle being used to protect oneself. People tend to be more polite when they’re not certain their targets are defenseless. They day is soon coming where, in even liberal areas, people will stop tolerating such uncivilized behavior. People are suffering great fatigue relative to socially unacceptable behavior.

  3. I was reading the story about this protest from (usually reasonable)KTLA 5,and even they distorted the cause of the protest. Their article said “a transgender woman exposed her genitals to women and girls in the changing room.” WRONG, it was a GUY exposing HIS (male) genitals to women and girls. so sick of this shit.

  4. Back in the 40’s, the Japs thought America would cower down and sue for peace as a result of their aggression. We vaporized them into unconditional surrender!

  5. My boss immigrated to the USA in the early ’70s, after serving in the South Korean army. Started this company which put his three sons thru college. The man is an American Success Story. He now has four beautiful granddaughters.

    OTOH, his youngest son supports antifa/blm.

  6. Pack mentality. It takes a brave crew to gang up on a lone man carrying just a water bottle & they send a woman? to kick him in the balls, then run away. If that had been me, I would have hit that little shrew so hard that her whole family would die. I would deal with the consequences later. I have a concealed carry permit if I had to deal with the rest of the soy boys orbiting around.


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