College Students Are Asked If They Proud To Be an American – IOTW Report

College Students Are Asked If They Proud To Be an American

27 Comments on College Students Are Asked If They Proud To Be an American

  1. I don;t know whether to be sad, upset or irate. The y have no idea what they have here. And for that young black chick who thinks she is oppressed: how are you oppressed? Youre in college, you look healthy and happy unlike your colored cousins who didnt make it on the ship to America. Screw you

  2. Sorry, 30 seconds of whiny entitled children who have accomplished nothing in life, have never felt deprivation or want or entertained an original thought in their life and are only capable of parroting the same old baseless polemics their dopey professors taught them, that is enough.

    Their ingratitude or ignorance isn’t going to spoil my fourth of July.

  3. FUKEM! Let’s send these spoiled shits to any country of their choice ONEWAY!!!

    If I had a child that felt that way they would never be welcome in my home again…EVER!

  4. Stopped after 38 secs. Couldn’t get past doggie tits and her brainwashed bullshit. You are free to go to any one of the countries you think is better than what you got here.

  5. This question has always bugged me because it makes no sense. Why would you be proud of something you had nothing to do with and over which you have no control? I can understand being proud of an accomplishment but being proud to be a certain nationality or race is ridiculous. The question should be “Are you GRATEFUL to be an American?”

  6. We had a 9/11 memorial at work a few years ago that I attended. When the Anthem was played I placed my hand over my heart. A lot of the younger people looked at me like I had two heads. I was very disappointed.

    Happy Independence Day to everyone at iOTW.

  7. There is nothing in the world history of society that compares with the story of America.

    John Adams (in a letter to his wife): “Yesterday, the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; and a greater perhaps never was, nor will be, decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, that those United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States.”

    John Adams (letter to Abigail 3 July, 1776): “The date will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.”

  8. Stirrin, We are not the only ones left who still love America. The older that I get the more I love my country as it was founded and was until recently when all the young skulls full of mush didn’t think that we’re that great because of all the bs and lies they’ve been fed about American history over the past 20 or 30 or more years by a bunch of damn namby pamby, spoiled baby boomers who’ve hated this country since the Vietnam war. I turned into my dad a long time ago and I’m still willing to fight. The sacred oath I took on August 31. 1972 when I joined the Navy is still as valid as it when I was 19 and now I’m 68. I’m proud of my son because he shares my values and he’s willing to fight as well to make this country free for his 2 young daughters and soon to be born son a couple months from now. We’re both throwbacks to my dads and earlier generations of Americans and proud of it. May God continue to bless this the greatest country ever created in the history of mankind. This madness of the left has to stop now before we become a communist hellhole like what happened in Russia 100 years ago and all the rest of the commie hellholes the progs love. May God bless all of us on this 245th birthday of America and see us pass 250 years and more during the lives of my children and grandchildren and great grandkids long after we’re gone.

  9. I especially enjoyed the response to “in which country would you rather live?”…….. Europe. What a dimwit!

  10. “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival.”

    That’s kind of what Moses thought about Passover.
    Didn’t take the Jews long to build a golden calf.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. It was exactly forty-seven years ago today, on July 4th, 1974, that I first stepped foot on foreign soil. It was England, and I was sent there by the United States Air Force to help keep the Soviet Union from invading Europe. I had just turned twenty years old and had a deep and abiding love for America. The experience of living overseas only strengthened my love for America. These young college girls are vapid, ignorant, snot-nosed punks who don’t have a clue what the rest of the world is even like. My Russian wife could set them straight about what really goes on in socialist countries. Is there any wonder why so many young men are avoiding marriage these days? The pool of available young girls they have to choose from has been poisoned by liberal college professors. The MGTOW movement grows stronger every day. A huge number of these girls will become lesbians because they have made themselves undesirable to young men and there are plenty of good women available outside of the US. I see a multitude of cats in the future of these young females.

  12. I learned at the age of 20 in Dec. 1973 when I stepped off the ship in Subic Bay and went into Olongapo City in the Philippines for the first time and saw what the turd world really looked like. The 3 years I was in the Navy helped change how I saw America and it was a very good experience to learn that when I was young. We are indeed the land of the free because we are the home of the brave for all those who served in the US military during World War 2, Korea, Vietnam etc. and beyond to the war on terror and did things we would never have done otherwise to preserve our God given freedom just like my 19 year old ancestor who was at the battle of Lexington in 1775.

  13. 70 yera of anti America brain washing by liberal teachers has been very effective! I do not regret my hours in detention 64, 63,62 years ago for “correcting” my liberal American hating teachers!
    My only regret is I have only 1 life to give for America! And I have shed blood for the country; I love; happy to do o again!

  14. History was my best subject and I was a very avid reader of American history as well as world history from about 4th or 5th grade on beginning in about 1962-63. I read everything I could get my hands on dealing with history and still do. They couldn’t brainwash me because I was reading so much that I probably knew more than most of my teachers did about history. My best history teachers were in college at EWU in the late 70’s, a couple of old school history professors who knew their history and weren’t afraid to share their love of history with all the good, the bad, the in between, blemishes and everyday stories which made up our history. I could’ve been a history teacher and I probably should’ve been but I have no regrets.

  15. I think, like, you know, like, you know, like, like, you know, like, like, it’s like, you know, like, uhh, you know, like…I think, it’s very, like, I think it’s, it’s, like convertible and shit, like, you know, like, uhhh…

  16. Geoff the Aardvark — I WISH I’d loved history that way while in school! Unfortunately, I didn’t have the drive to read history on my own and had teachers who didn’t capture the excitement of teaching the subject themselves. Like many, I learned enough to take the test and that was the extent of my interest.

    Then, in my 40’s I caught fire with the love of American history and it’s hard to imagine a story more unique, riveting or poignant than our own. And you can’t know American history in a vacuum; you must understand it in context on the world stage, thus a deep dive into all the rest of it, too. Amazing! Like you, I think I would have liked to teach history. I bet you would have been fabulous!

  17. Educated(what passes for it now), yet ignorant as fuck about the entire rest of the world, nd how most people are forced to live in places other than the US.
    The biggest problem is all the fucking ingrates.


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