Dems Hightail It Out of Texas To Avoid Voting on Bill – IOTW Report

Dems Hightail It Out of Texas To Avoid Voting on Bill

My Democratic colleagues and I are leaving the state to break quorum and kill the Texas voter suppression bill.

27 Comments on Dems Hightail It Out of Texas To Avoid Voting on Bill

  1. Left Coast Dan
    JULY 12, 2021 AT 8:28 PM
    “They also announced that masks are no longer needed on airplanes. Through their actions, anyway.”

    …someone in the Twitter comments referred to them as “Snakes On A Plane”.

    That they are.

    …and to that I say…

  2. Heretic
    JULY 12, 2021 AT 8:30 PM
    “This “for the people act” takes the vote out of the hands of the people and is an act of open treason.”’s also flagrantly Unconstitutional, but it’s been a LONG time since Democrats worried about little things like THAT…

  3. If I were from Texas, I would hope it was a one way flight. What a bunch of crybabies. If the shoe were on the other foot, those Democrats would be screaming bloody murder.

  4. Most state legislatures can do a “call of the house” which means everybody MUST show up or risk being rounded up by the state police and brought back. Failure to show can mean explusion and having their seat declared vacant. I hope Texas has that on the books.

  5. @joe6pak
    Kammie says this action takes “extraordinary courage”! I think I would call treason something different than that.

    Hmm… I’d defer to Mr. Madison on that one. However, I can be quite certain they’d not pledge their lives, their (precious) fortunes, or their honor.

  6. Hubby and I remember when they pulled thus same shit in Wisconsin, they went to Rockford IL and hit out in the Clock Tower “Resort” which ironically was always seen as a filthy cesspool shot hole of a vacation destination and was eventually torn down. Will see if I can find a story about what they were running away from voting about….

  7. Why are the female communist death democrats separated from the soy boy communist death democrats on this jet with the women in the front and the so-called men in the back and there also appears to be a further separation between the obese white women and the obese black women who are featured prominently sitting in the front of the jet? Do these communist clowns have diversity seating rules?

  8. My understanding is that when the roll is called and they’re not there, that the remaining legislature can call for their arrest. While they can’t go to DC to arrest them, if they set foot back in TX they can be arrested immediately

    Also, the special session lasts for 30 days, and the Governor can renew it at will.

    This means that they need to stay out of the state effectively forever if they don’t want to get arrested, which would also be a win…

  9. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay JULY 13, 2021 AT 5:53 AM

    Hubby and I remember when they pulled thus same shit in Wisconsin, they went to Rockford IL and hit out in the Clock Tower “Resort” which ironically was always seen as a filthy cesspool shot hole of a vacation destination and was eventually torn down. Will see if I can find a story about what they were running away from voting about….

    Was interested in this resort since I’d never heard of it before and I lived nearby in Lake Geneva for a while.

    Apparently it’s alive and thriving still and not knocked down.

  10. Desertion in the face of the enemy used to demand a capital solution.
    These fucking cowards should be stripped of their offices – they have refused to do what they’re paid to do, violated their oaths of office, and proven themselves to be unfit (by failing) to represent their constituencies.

    Of course, their constituencies are probably hordes of fucking cowards to have elected treasonous cowards in the first place.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. What i want to know and have not found out yet is how they appropriated State money for the private planes and their hotel rooms in DC for extended time?


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