25 Mega Cities Spew 52 Percent Of Urban Greenhouse Gases, All But 2 Are Chinese – IOTW Report

25 Mega Cities Spew 52 Percent Of Urban Greenhouse Gases, All But 2 Are Chinese

UK Daily Mail

Just over half of the world’s urban greenhouse gas emissions come from just 25 mega-cities — 23 of which are located in China — a study has reported.

The cities that emit the most greenhouse gases included Handan, Suzhou, Dalian, Beijing and Tianjin in China — but also Tokyo, Japan, and Moscow, Russia.

China’s President Xi Jinping has pledged to cap carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 — part of its commitment to the Paris Agreement. More

9 Comments on 25 Mega Cities Spew 52 Percent Of Urban Greenhouse Gases, All But 2 Are Chinese

  1. And yet Our Governments are blaming the west coast fires on their own citizens while many factories in North America are manufacturing well under capacity and Air & Sea travel are at a fraction of what thy were.

    B.S. Forestry Mismanagement

  2. well, NYC is 26 … so we got that goin’ for us 🙂

    oh, is that a bad doo-bee list? … thought it was something like the Olympics …. wasn’t paying attention to that either …. sorry

  3. I suspect China is behind environmental radicals in our country. They make us uncompetitive around the world while they ignore their own environment. No way can we compete.

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