Trailer For “Dune” – IOTW Report

Trailer For “Dune”

I will not fear this being a lame movie. Fear is the enjoyment-killer. Fear is the little doubt that brings total disappointment. I will attend the theater this fall and allow this movie to pass over and through me. And when the credits roll I will turn my inner eye to each small detail of the film and judge how well it matches up to the book I remember reading some time ago. When the raves of the online critics are done, only I and my personal opinion of the film will remain.”

Warner Bros. Litany for moviegoers


26 Comments on Trailer For “Dune”

  1. I liked the Dune with Sting it in. They got a lot of things right, and he was a good Feyd-Rautha, and Baron Harkin Harkonnen and Lady Jessica were NAILED. (Even Patrick Stewart was tolerable as Gurney Halllek, anthogh I liked him better as a treacherous Roman general in “I Claudius”.)

    The only problem was they had to mash it together into ONE regular movie with WAY too much interior monolog to make sense of it, and they screwed the Guild politics and Laansrat dynamics up worse than a Star Wars prequel covering tax policy.

    Could have been good as a Lord of the Rings length trilogy AND budget.

    This one will fail the same way.

    Plus I’m sure modern Hollywood will jam wokeness in it sideways as necessary, and I don’t like modern actors.

    I’m probably gonna pass. Nice try, tho, but kids, maybe get some original material and stop rehashing and corrupting the stories your fathers grew up with, just sayin’…

  2. DUNE, again…Hmmmm…

    A long trip from the 80s. Guess we’ll see how far the movie/director/producer industry has traveled…and/or, grown up.

    I read the Amazon Comments. If I see that every other word is G’D’ this and G’D’ that …Log Out.

    AMERICA is waking up.

  3. I’ll watch it for sure because it’s Dune. It’ll have the effects that couldn’t be done back in the 80’s and that’ll be cool to see-I hope. I hope it’s not just louder. Louder isn’t better.

    There’s a blandness to the character and costume design. Where are the unique Bene Gesserit? Did I miss them in the preview? And the battle armor is something we’ve seen in every super hero movie since 2004.

    My shoulders are wider than Paul’s. 🤷‍♀️

  4. At the end he looked like a pissed off C-3PO.
    I haven’t been to a movie theater since my wife talked me into watching that pathetic Star Wars episode where Han Solo died. It was almost an exact remake of one of the original trilogy films. At that point I realize hollywood had died.

  5. Hanoverfist
    JULY 22, 2021 AT 9:09 PM
    No Sting?”

    ..Sting was probably the best thing about that one.

    The “weirding modules” that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the original story but were CENTRAL to victory in the end was probably the worst; well, that, and the absolutely STUPID way they did the Guild…

  6. Illustr8r
    JULY 22, 2021 AT 9:23 PM
    “I’ll watch it for sure because it’s Dune. It’ll have the effects that couldn’t be done back in the 80’s and that’ll be cool to see…”

    …about the only thing I thought could have been done better as a special effect was the orithopters. The book was quite clear that they flew and flapped their wings like birds, but they just couldn’t do that in the ’80s. The harvesters, carryall, and frigates were all pretty good though, and even the basic design of the Guild Heighliners made sense for their use and abilities, but at the end of the day it isn’t really an effects heavy story because there’s no space battles or anything, and the highest tech is shields and lasguns, which were OK in the 80s and the worms were actually pretty good…

  7. ok, watched it again …. 2 things stuck out

    movie directed by a French Canadian gets a clone of Castro’s boy, Jussie Trudeau, to play Paul, the protagonist …. what a surprise

    …. maybe they can CGI someone else’s head on him

    sorry, that guy bugged me the first moment I saw him … didn’t feel that way about the Luke Flypaper kid

  8. SNS, I agree with you 100%! Sting was the best. I liked Kyle MacLachlan as Paul, too.

    I might check out this version for the same reason Illustr8r will, the special effects look pretty interesting. But I’ll wait until Hulu has it; or maybe visit my brother to see it on his Amazon account (ok, Jason?).

  9. Zimbabwe is a horrid actress. She butchered Mary Jane Watson, made her woefully repellent. She destroys every production she appears in. That is, if you would be remotely interested in anything she appears in. Sorry if you like Dune, but I suspect the same will happen here.

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