Russian Resupply Module Thruster Has “Unscheduled Firing” While Docked With Space Station – IOTW Report

Russian Resupply Module Thruster Has “Unscheduled Firing” While Docked With Space Station


Following the docking of the Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM), named Nauka (the Russian word for “science”) to the International Space Station at 9:29 am EDT, Russian cosmonauts aboard the space station conducted leak checks between Nauka and the service module. At 12:45 pm, the flight control team noticed the unplanned firing of MLM thrusters that caused the station to move out of orientation. Ground teams have regained attitude control and the motion of the space station is stable.

The crew was never and is not in any danger, and flight controllers in Mission Control Houston are monitoring the status of the space station. More

23 Comments on Russian Resupply Module Thruster Has “Unscheduled Firing” While Docked With Space Station

  1. Many years ago when I was a young and relatively inexperienced process operator, I was in the bowels of a running polyethylene unit beneath the hyper compressor. It was incredibly loud and somewhat dangerous as the pressures within the piping there run into the tens of thousands of pounds per square inch. I was studying an unfamiliar item and reached out and gently touched it. Everything became instantly quite and the radio lit up with panicked voices wondering what the hell had happened. What happened was I had touched a very sensitive limit switch on a valve. I caused a lot of work for a lot of people, but learned to keep my hands off of things I didn’t know anything about. The sea was angry that day, my friends!


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