Small Business Goes Up in Flames After Woke Employees Destroy Company – IOTW Report

Small Business Goes Up in Flames After Woke Employees Destroy Company

WJ: A Brooklyn-based chain of high-end butchers has been forced to shutter its four locations across New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut after the company’s CEO was caught between woke employees and a concerned investor who took issue with Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ Pride signs that had been placed in store windows.

Fleishers, which offers “meat raised right, from feed to fork” was founded in 2004 with a “single purpose” as its website says, “to show that locally raised, pasture fed meats” are better for our health, the planet and our tastebuds.

The company’s employees, however, were not satisfied with this single purpose and just staged a mass walk-out after newly hired CEO John Adams personally visited several locations to take down the signs after he received a call from one of the chain’s leading investors, Rob Rosania, as Forbes reported. more here

20 Comments on Small Business Goes Up in Flames After Woke Employees Destroy Company

  1. I hope he is able to find new workers to employ. Of course, it looks like the woke crowd has almost completely let their “feelings” overwhelm their common sense, and being it is a blue state problem, I have my doubts.

    Good for the CEO for doing what he did, though. I hope he is strong enough to NEVER apologize. His company has a great motto, and that should stay as his guiding principle.

  2. Jethro August 5, 2021 at 2:28 pm

    If you come out of your self made ghetto to take from me I will drop your carcass off in your neighborhood to feed your relatives.

    I won’t waste my energy picking up the carcass, coyotes make a run through here at night, they’ll take care of the remains. What the coyotes don’t eat, the flies and buzzards will.

  3. yah, he still backed off… pussie.

    “Adams put the signs back up within 24 hours and messaged employees with photos to prove it, and Rosania also apologized in a letter to staff. The company is now working to rehire staff at every location, after 30% remained with the company.”

  4. The dumbass tried to appease them by putting the signs back up! Now all the unwoke and conservatives think he’s a squishy worm and won’t be doing their shopping there either.

  5. mickey moussaoui: “Why can’t BLM and the LGBTQ community support him the same way he supported them? Because they are all frauds.” Exactly. These are people that need to hate and push and shove because without it they’re nothing but worms in the compost of the world. Without it they have nada and deservedly so. A decent job at a successful company wasn’t enough so now they have nothing. Good.


  6. Very easy to see how the panderers and common peddlers often submit to the terroristic activities of the day by promoting them. Interestingly, Fleishers is owned by Jews, the same Jews of that population who were given beatdowns by blms and other rejects of society.

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