Translation: I’d rather die for my political team to prove a point I don’t even understand, that’s how f***ed up I am – IOTW Report

Translation: I’d rather die for my political team to prove a point I don’t even understand, that’s how f***ed up I am

Why does every major issue facing mankind become a political one?

My decisions on Covid and shots are not political.

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ht/ c. steven tucker

19 Comments on Translation: I’d rather die for my political team to prove a point I don’t even understand, that’s how f***ed up I am

  1. Ivermectin, HCQ, etc., etc. – why are some people so adamantly opposed to these?
    Because they were TOLD to be. They don’t know anything about these treatments. Obviously some doctors tried them and found some level of success, then talked about it. So why are some people so adamantly opposed? Because these treatments were then touted by REPUBLICANSSSS!!! so they must be destroyed!!! No matter how many people die as a result.

  2. My sister and her husband just got diagnosed with covid. They live in TX and their doctor only prescribed: “Doctor said get 50 mg Zink, 5 mg Melintonin Cut in Half before bedtime to start with…D3 2000 – Tylenol for the fever. Watch Saturation drops below 90 go to the ER…Both of Us”

    I asked her where the Ivermectin, and HCQ comes in at. It doesn’t. Her husband has some real health issues going on. Diabetes, heart disease, and he’s a smoker. If he survives it, I will be surprised. Meanwhile, we know lots of people who got the jab and they are sick mentally over their government lying to them about the jab. They lay awake at night worrying about their funeral plans, and changing their will and trust. One couple’s children told them that they couldn’t see them or their grandchildren unless they got the jab. That’s when I see my lawyer about a trust and Will change – let the kiddies know too. That’s how I roll.

  3. When you get covid because you refused the FDA approved vaccine take comfort in the fact you’ll be treated with hydrochloriquine, ivermectin, et al medications that the FDA never approved for the treatment of covid

  4. “My decisions on Covid and shots are not political.”

    Same here. It’s purely medical. And I am NOT risking a vaccine injury to find out thank you very Manderin much!

  5. Remember when people would NOT take ANY medication unless it was clearly necessary ?
    Me too. I’m 62, take NO Rxs, and can still count the number of pills I’ve taken my entire life.

    How many people do you know that are constantly on a half dozen prescription drugs? And they are under 40 !

    So FU Big Pharma and industrial doctors, take your jab and shove it !

  6. I got COVID the first of this month. I didn’t go to a doctor or emergency room and took no meds. I was over the worst of it in 2 or 3 days. I still get fatigued if I over do it.
    By the way we just buried my mother in law yesterday. She died of COVID and was 93 years old. She had other health issues as well. I’m convinced if she hadn’t got COVID she would most likely would have lived a little longer. She got COVID at a doctors office because she went no where else and no one gave it to her because she gave it to family members and one of her care givers.

  7. PS I held a DEA license to prescribe meds for 30+ years.

    All medications must be tested so they can be deemed “safe & effective”. Essentially NO studies are done to test drugs’ interaction with other drugs in the population.

    Do you know how horrible the side effects are for those taking Statins with certain HBP meds? All physicians will do is stop a med, after a crisis, and replace it with another. How many folks are perpetually taking multiple meds for high BP, diabetes, high cholesterol and osteoporosis?

    A better way to go for ALL those afflictions would be exercise, at least an active lifestyle. Instead people get into fights in the parking lot to grab the space closest to the store entry.

  8. A pretty good rule of thumb is that if someone in Gov’t or Hollyweird is taking a position on some (what should be) scientific issue, their position is pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT – firstly because they have no knowledge of what they’re babbling about, and secondly, most of them are too fucking stupid to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

    Ask any one of these Globaloney Warming Bullshit Artists “How does that work? I mean chemically and physically.” and they will stutter and crap their drawers and then refer you to some “expert” who claims to have seen a computer model.

    Same with this “jab” bullshit. If YOU are inoculated, what difference could it possibly make if I’m not? The polio vaccine prevents polio in the vaccinated! Regardless of how many people with polio he happens to be around. Same with Smallpox.
    Total, undeniable BULLSHIT. Sadly, as a nation (and, apparently across the whole World) we’re so mal-educated that we fall for any imbecility the gov’ts throw at us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @ General Malaise AUGUST 26, 2021 AT 1:56 PM

    That would be time to use the guns. When they come for you or the guns. Purely defensive.

    Take enough out of the jackboots and they’ll lose their enthusiasm for subjugating Americans.

  10. They can publish all the lists they want and issue all the policies they want and it won’t mean bupkus.

    I have the guns and ammo I need (thanks obama!) and if they want to jab my corpse, they can kiss my ass goodbye while they’re at it.


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