Ohio judge orders hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin at wife’s request – IOTW Report

Ohio judge orders hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin at wife’s request

Just The News – An Ohio judge ordered a Cincinnati hospital to administer Ivermectin to a COVID-19 patient at his wife’s request, as he has been in an intensive care unit (ICU) for over a month.

Last week, Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital to treat 51-year-old COVID-19 patient Jeffrey Smith with Ivermectin, Ohio Capital Journal reported. Smith’s wife of 24 years, Julie, filed a lawsuit on behalf of her husband, requesting that he be given 30mg of Ivermectin every day for three weeks as prescribed by Ohio physician Dr. Fred Wagshul. MORE

19 Comments on Ohio judge orders hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin at wife’s request

  1. Get the government the fuck out of doctor/patient relationships. Let the doctor and the patient decide together what’s best for the patient and do their own risk/reward assessment.


    It’s none of the government’s business.

  2. The left has no problem with teenage gender change operations, but don’t try and save a life using drugs that have been known to work. Only in a screwed up world.

  3. …of course, this is dangerous, in that some activist, woke nurse, upset about being lied into a joke “vaccine” and filled to the gills with leftist propaganda will probably decide the best way to serve xir cause would be to poison the patient. This would be easy, mix in contaminated blood, another medication, or simply inject some air.

    See Donald Harvey for how that works.

    Hospitals are so politicized that you can’t trust them to even do their jobs if it conflicts with the narrative. Were I that doctor, I would do the injections myself, and have my own people monitor the rest of the patient care 24/7 for this particular patient, because the left would not hesitate for a moment to kill him to make a political point.

    This won’t be fixed at the ballot box or in the courts. We’re too different now.

    History tells us the only way this gets fixed.

    With blood.

    Lots and lots of blood.

    They ALREADY kill US for our political beliefs.

    The only question is will we ever RETURN the favor.

  4. “…Hospital shall immediately administer Ivermectin to Jeffrey Smith in accordance with
    Doctor Fred Wagshul’s prescription, namely 30mg ofIvermectin daily for 21 days; and it is further ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED, that this Order she} remain in effect for 14 days…”

    …administer for 21 days, but the order only last for 14?

    …I think I see how they’re going to deliberately screw this up…

  5. For what it is worth:

    The CBC in Canuckistan is Going after Ivermectin constantly and trying to discredit it.

    Most likely because the government wants to deny access and push vaccines, but it is incredible how aggressive they go after this stuff but totally capitulate to Native Indian Medicine, Homeopathy, & native restorative justice.


  6. After being in ICU since Aug. 1 sedated, intubated, and and placed on a ventilator, and developing another infection, at this point, what has he got to lose? Whatever they’re treating him with isn’t working. If the Ivermectin doesn’t work, this will be “big” news to further discredit Ivermectin.

  7. It’s official: the U.S. Gov’t — and by extension, any entity which takes U.S. Gov’t funding for “treating” Covid patients — is committing genocide of American citizens. The Killing Beds.

  8. Why the hell are they still putting people on ventilators? I really hate the medical community. My husband had an appointment the other day, had to see some woman he had never seen before, then got to see his doctor. For one that is ignorant, supposedly to make wait times less, yet she asked the same questions as the nurse and knew no more than the nurse. She started talking about the vaccine and I told her every piece of paper he’s been given has it in big bold letters DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINE. She then says his doctor will recommend it, then I lost it. I jumped his doctor’s ass and told him I would not trust any vaccine pusher. He said he is not recommending the vaccine and is not a vaccine pusher, especially this vaccine. That it was a free country. I told him not so much when they’re using it like the mark of the beast or the prelude to the mark of the beast. He had no clue about the mandates, do doctors not get out much?

  9. How long has the hospital been refusing the Ivermectin? They have probably been stonewalling since Day One, and it may be too late to help now. Which is exactly what the evil pUbLiC hEaLtH sector wants: another “fail” by Ivermectin, just as they got in the rigged “studies” of Ivermectin.

  10. I feel bad for the poor Doctor she named. You know, someone in HHS will be hacking into his office computer to download CP on it. They have to do something to discredit any Doctor that even mentions using other therapies to treat Covid. I really hope her husband pulls through.

  11. Thirdtwin
    AUGUST 31, 2021 AT 9:31 AM
    “Which is exactly what the evil pUbLiC hEaLtH sector wants: another “fail” by Ivermectin, just as they got in the rigged “studies” of Ivermectin.”

    …if they have to, they’ll just blow his lungs out with the ventilator.

    On purpose.

    I have no doubt they will kill for their ideology, especially considering that’s EXACTLY what they’ve been doing all along, and since THIS guy has a wife who loves him and is a non-complier, they’ll probably ENJOY killing her husband, and do their best to infect HER so they can kill her too.

    Yes, they are that sick.

    It’s kind of a Democrat requirement now…

  12. I don’t know that particular hospital, it’s fairly new and was built to serve the rich folks fleeing the People’s Republic of Cincinnati and the mess they made THERE (West Chester is the home of noted Communist enabler John Boehner, which is why I call him the “West Chester Weeper), so I never went there myself or took anyone there, so I can’t speak to what kind of place it is.

    I can tell you though that MOST of the local “Healthcare” scene is run by cowardly Democrat cunts, where Obamacare chased all the old docs out so they could put government loving hacks in, so cunty they all are forcing their folks to take the poison jab even though they KNOW better, and the ones who work with COVID patients and have all along don’t WANT to take the huge risk for the ZERO gain it really is.

    See this for proof of that…


    …I’ve said a lot about the degraded, politicized, incompetent state of SW OH “Healthcare”, so I won’t repeat. They are not ALL bad, but enough ARE that I have ZERO problem believing they would kill this man, in an area hospital, out of spite, and use it to tell the story they WANT to tell.

    Cover that man, that woman, and that doctor in prayers.

    Bevcause Leviathan doesn’t take kindly to being crossed.

    And will literally have the scalpel out for them…

  13. The problem with Ivermectin is people OD on the shit.

    The small dose is 68 mcg/lb of human, or 150 mcg/kg. A 150 pound person would take 2 lines of a 50 pound graduated horse syringe (oral). A horse syringe is 91 mgc/pound. So, 1/3rd less.

    So, if you were 150 lbs and told to take the higher dose (200 mcg/kg), or 91 mcg/lb you would ingest 3 lines (50 pound increments) to get exactly a 91 mcg/lb.

    I hope this makes sense.


    That’s where I found the dosage numbers. The Mayo Clinic.

    What some dummies are doing is NOT doing the dosage math. You don’t just eat the shit… you have to KNOW the graduations on the syringe and the dose per kg or lb, and figure it out.

    And don’t take my word for it. All this is based on what I have. Your horse muck may be completely different.

    People are dying from eating this shit because they are WAY overdosing.


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