Military Working Dogs Abandoned At Kabul Airport – IOTW Report

Military Working Dogs Abandoned At Kabul Airport


US military working dogs have been abandoned in cages at Kabul airport after the last American flight left Afghanistan on Monday.

After the last plane left following the frantic evacuation from the terrorist-controlled country, images emerged showing crates of dogs still at the airport.

The president of Veteran Sheepdogs of America, Joshua Hosler, is frantically trying to rescue the dogs.

According to Navy SEAL Jonathan T Gilliam, the Department of Defense (DOD) ordered that the dogs be left behind. More

25 Comments on Military Working Dogs Abandoned At Kabul Airport

  1. Would have been kinder to put them down as the Muzzies won’t be real kind on how they’ll do it.

    Explaining polices for pets at the part time security job and the reaction from a Mid Eastern truck driver when you ask if they have a “dog” in the truck with them… Their reaction is quite antimated.

    This alone is reason to hate the religion of piss

    Ask Tim

  2. They have volunteers going to get them and the US people out.
    They pretty much said fuck biden, we’re going.

    The fucked up part is they not only left the dogs, they left their trainers behind, too. Yup. US soldiers and their US canine soldiers were left behind.

  3. The sad truth is that all those dogs are probably already dead, viewed by the new bosses in town as the last vestiges of an unwelcome occupying force.

    When I was in the military I was an Army dog handler stationed in Panama. It is inconceivable to me that the handlers paired with the these dogs would allow such a thing. It would be analogous to leaving a fellow soldier behind.

  4. Biden and his administration are reprehensible evil bastards. It’s not enough to abandon Americans in that hellhole, he’s also abandoning innocent, highly trained, loyal military dogs likely to be destroyed by barbarians. It’s spiteful and heartless. Biden deserves the hottest part of Hell.
    I pray God makes a way to get heroic people to Afghanistan to rescue those awesome dogs and any American who “wants” to come home.

  5. What MJA said. I read this just now:

    “They are being transported to Rammstein AFB Wednesday a.m. our time. After a quarantine, they will be distributed throughout the US to our local police departments.”

  6. @MJA All military personnel were removed, the only people left are non-military personal. Did some military personnel choose to stay, very well could be. Under 200 non-military personal reported to still be in Afghan. I’ll take a wild guess, the last plane was full.

  7. Americans abandoned by Biden are my first concern, it appears that Biden and his lackeys, Austin, Milley and Blinken, don’t share that concern.
    Cowards leading our Nation.

  8. cato

    “and his lackeys, Austin, Milley and Blinken,”

    There’s a couple layers of military brass that need to be dealt with. We need to identify these toy soldiers so when the time comes they can be prosecuted. And we should make them aware of our intentions.

  9. Noble intentions aside, I don’t see any way to get these dogs out without Taliban support and co operation. If they were smart, no indication so far would support this, they would keep the dogs alive and ransom them to our government the same way they will ransom all those Americans that Biden left stranded. A debacle all the way around.

  10. I tweeted and liked a good ten tweets about the dogs abandoned at the Kabul airport so that my leftist feminist progressive BFF could read about her Beloveds’ complete and total *uck up.

    Real life people consequences can be dismissed but she is a dog person. Maybe MAYBE she’ll reconsider her current leftard pitch.


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