This school teacher thinks it’s his job to indoctrinate your kids into marxism – IOTW Report

This school teacher thinks it’s his job to indoctrinate your kids into marxism

24 Comments on This school teacher thinks it’s his job to indoctrinate your kids into marxism

  1. Great Job Veritas!! Thanks to you we”ll “Know who’s been naughty or Nice” and when the occasions arise we can deal with the Marxist.. As patriots, we’re sure as hell not going to get a list from the FBI/CIA/NSA/State Dpt handed to us

  2. He also thinks it’s his job because the school administrators and the school board condone it. The hydra has many heads.

    We need a means to get these people fighting each other.

  3. Interesting so many of these self proclaimed Marxists dress like they’re poor. He looks physically weak and sounds mentally weak.
    I’m thinking parents are not paying attention. Just get the kids to school and don’t get involved. Like when my kids were in school 20 yrs ago when it was like pulling teeth to get them to volunteer or show up for anything.

    Teaching is the best part time job ever. Holidays, summers, a few weeks during school year off.
    Best of all? No accountability or requirement to do a good job.

  4. @Beachmom

    Most of my friends became teachers.

    They go completely BALLISTIC when I tell them:

    Nobody wants the useless product that you produce (Modern students). They don’t work, they sit on the couch in inventory, break down often, consume a ton of energy (Food & video Games), are generally useless and have No Warranty or return policy.

    They have absolutely no response.

  5. My late 10th grade biology teacher originally from Deer Lodge, Montana, a World War 2 Marine Corps veteran and one time Wash. state teacher of the year would like to come back from the grave and kick these Marxist bastards asses. He was also a mentor and became a good friend of my youngest brother as well as one of my dad and my brothers customers at their auto repair garage. He was a good man who never flunked a kid unless they absolutely deserved it by not trying. He ran a Saturday after school science seminar for many years getting kids interested in science and took us on many field trips to science fairs at colleges, including one time the University of Montana in Missoula, to Seattle on an all day trip to the Seattle science center, to a local under ground cave and sites in Eastern Wash. where there were ancient Indian artifacts. As I got older I saw him a lot at my dads garage and talked with him a lot about things and about life. He was also a major walker who would walk everywhere with his wife including walking in all 50 states. My brother and I miss him, they just don’t make excellent teachers like him anymore which is a crying shame. He was also one of the honored guests at my brothers wedding years ago. We miss you Al, you were the best.

  6. My son is taking something called “Multicultural Literature” in school. His first assignment was to critique an opinion piece by Victor Davis Hanson which argued against Multicult!! Naturally I helped him with this assignment, and of course we—he—argued convincingly in favor of VDH’s case. My son got a 92. I think his teacher is a subversive closet conservative. So there are some bright spots in public education.


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