1. I don’t know about you but I’ve had a hard time staying asleep lately at night and have found myself wide awake and praying for God’s mercy on our nation for a half hour and sometimes more before I can go back to sleep. These are dangerous times and I will stand in the gap and fight back any way I can in prayer and otherwise ways to stem the tide of this evil bastard masquerading as President and his unconstitutional mandates and edicts. Joey has awakened a sleeping giant in a very pissed off American people who hate his guts and everything he says and stands for. And I am afraid he may just have fired the first shot of a new civil war with his bullshit speech yesterday. “We’re mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore.”

  2. Old Joe sure turned the volume up right before 9/11. I’m sure his handlers wanted all of us to stop talking about Afghanistan and Americans left behind.
    Everything he does is planned to destroy America.

  3. Has any other vaccine ever worked the way these “vaccines” supposedly work? Has someone who has been vaccinated for seasonal flu, smallpox, mumps, measles, polio, etc., EVER then needed protection from the unvaccinated?

  4. Also, why are the New Daily Deaths (up to 3 times higher) and new Daily Positive Cases up to 2 times higher (on average) today in early September 2021 compared to early September, 2020 before the vaccinations began and before the FDA began issuing EUAs for the COVID-19 vaccines starting on December 11, 2020?

  5. Maine is saying they have a record number of covid patients in icu.
    38 in the entire state. So 90% of that would be 30. Percentages sound higher than actual numbers.
    A couple of weeks ago they claimed over 600 new cases. Over 400 of those were vaxxed but they neglected to say that in the news.

  6. “You need your own to have a better chance at avoiding being hospitalized”

    No,grouchy, you need to mind your own business.

    Have you gotten your boosters yet? Your puppet king just announced you should. I wouldn’t want you to be labeled unvaccinated. Say, why are you on a blog if you have patients?

    You get fired?

  7. I thought it was his daughter who was a nurse. I guess he also claims to be a doctor?

    Nurses all across the country are trying to speak out, but the media ignores them, social media removes them, hospitals fire them. They all say the same thing 70-80% of those in the hospital being listed as having covid are complications from the jab. About 5-10% are jabbed and have tested positive for covid, then you have those who caught a cold and now their organs are shutting down. That only maybe 2 or 3 patients haven’t been jabbed and have tested positive for covid and of those almost all live with a jabbed person.

    There is a woman on FB who is a breast cancer survivor for 10 years, she got the shots in March and now her cancer is back, her oncologist told her they are seeing more of this occurring and have contacted the manufacturers, CDC, and FDA because they want to know if there is a link. Her particular oncologist said he has had 5 patients in remission for over 5 years whose cancer has came back and he’s never had that many in that short of time and all had been jabbed. She’s the only person I’ve seen about cancer.

    The only other thing I’ve heard about cancer is a man yesterday telling my husband that his wife’s oncologist told her to avoid the vaccine until they know more about it. He upped her vitamin C and vitamin D.

    Nurses though I’ve lost count how many I’ve seen who have said that about the hospital.

  8. V – BFYTW!
    Oregon Health Authority reported 4.6M Oregonians have been fully vaccinated, problem is there are only 4.2M Oregonians.
    So the official government numbers released stated that Oregon is 109% vaccinated.
    This is just one of many such examples of OUT RIGHT LIES!
    There are plenty examples available of medical personnel stating that “90% unvaccinated” is just more lies.
    So V – Truly! GFY!

  9. “90% of all hospitalized patients are unvaccinated..”
    ALL hospitalized patients. If they weren’t hospitalized, they wouldn’t be patients.
    So that includes appendectomies, cancer, bloody noses, GSWs, broken arms, fish hooks in ears, stepped on broken glass, auto accidents, &c. – not (necessarily) respiratory flu?

    Soooooooo … what’s your fucking point?

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I want every one to be vaccinated and then I want every one to take the the the you know the thing every six months until you die, boosters. Come on man as that asking to much? We have to protect the vaccinated. Get vaccinated ok.

  11. V is what Grouchy is using today. Grouchy has serious mental issues.

    @ Charlie Walksonwater, I honestly don’t care if people get them, the people I care(d) about either didn’t get them or they did and are either gone now or sick and one who is sick all the time but still tries to push the things, so I no longer talk to her. What I do care about is staying away from me if you have them and I do kind of feel sorry for those who trusted their doctors and got them, but I don’t want to be in close proximity to people with them, the only time I was I had issues. I also care about poisoning the blood supply someone I love very much may need a blood transfusion and I don’t want him getting poisoned blood.

    We’re working now on seeing which of us can give him our blood and the process involved to get it to him. We have been hitting roadblocks.

  12. 1 case going up to 2 cases is 1 100% increase.
    50 cases going up to 55 cases is a 10% increase.
    Lying to Congress once is a mis-spoke.
    Lying to Congress twice is a Dem resume enhancement.


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