Conagra Announces Food Price Inflation Likely to Remain Around 11 Percent Through 2022 – IOTW Report

Conagra Announces Food Price Inflation Likely to Remain Around 11 Percent Through 2022


Raw material foodstuff price contracts are expiring, and the new purchasing prices will be significantly higher than current. As these contracts refresh, the new higher prices immediately enter the food supply chain. CTH has been warning readers to stock up on non-perishable items as this next wave of food price increases is going to be much bigger than even the prior 8%/avg jumps; and there is absolutely no end in sight.

Also, as more large municipal regions (megalopolis metropolitan areas like New York City and Los Angeles) begin enforcing a vaccine passport to eat in restaurants, the demand for meals at home will remain high.  Supermarkets again will fill the void in the diet of consumers who choose to remain at home instead of eating out.

The current demand on retail food products is likely visible to you in the form of bare shelves and minimal inventory.

Grocery retailers operate on paper thin gross profit margins and rely on fast turns of multiple penny profit items to add up to net profit income.  Technology has helped modern grocery supply chains to be very thin. more

10 Comments on Conagra Announces Food Price Inflation Likely to Remain Around 11 Percent Through 2022

  1. We have a butcher shop up in the foothills that histarically has been 5 to 10 percent more expensive than local chain stores. His prices have remained the same. That’s where we buy all our meat now.

  2. Demand isn’t the reason shelves are bare. It’s elimination of redundancy in the supply chain. Soon there will be one supplier for all goods, your trusty government. It won’t be nutritious or good but it’s better than nothing. Alcohol and weed will remain abundant, no worries there.

  3. Conagra produces poison…if you have 100 sf start a garden. Find some non-gmo seeds and get going. They keep us sick by feeding us garbage (no pun intended). Nearly half of the population of this great Nation is obese and sedentary and this is the goal of the controlling elites. Throw in a flu bug and vakzeen that targets the unhealthy and you eliminate most of your worthless eaters. Only by improving your health and fitness will we survive what it coming.

    God bless

  4. Inflation? Oh, is that were the same cart of groceries that used to cost $50 now costs $100? Don’t worry. The government says that’s just normal. You’re just going to have to raise your debt ceiling…


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