Former Afghan Finance Minister Blames “Ghost Soldiers” For Fall Of His Nation To Terrorists – IOTW Report

Former Afghan Finance Minister Blames “Ghost Soldiers” For Fall Of His Nation To Terrorists


Afghanistan’s ex-finance minister has blamed the government’s fall on corrupt officials who invented “ghost soldiers” and took payments from the Taliban.

Khalid Payenda told the BBC that most of the 300,000 troops and police on the government’s books did not exist.

He said phantom personnel were added to official lists so that generals could pocket their wages. More

1 Comment on Former Afghan Finance Minister Blames “Ghost Soldiers” For Fall Of His Nation To Terrorists

  1. Third world countries that don’t have a war the US is participating in have to go to the Climate Summit to try to extort money.

    Their leaders NEED a private jet, a villa in Monaco, offices and positions for all their family members. All it takes is for the US to give them money for Climate Change.

    Far as Afgan soldier shit, they been fucking us on payroll, facilities, material, training and equipment from the get go. They might be hillbillies, but they ain’t stupid.

    Our military on the ground there knew all about this. They saw. They watched DC shovel money. And they knew where it goes.

    Nothing, not even selling pussy, is as profitable as war.

    We don’t have one right now. Expect that to change pretty damn fast.


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