Leftist Men in America – IOTW Report

Leftist Men in America

12 Comments on Leftist Men in America

  1. Where my wife works someone tested positive and had symptoms earlier this week. They did “contact tracing” and started a chain reaction of panic throughout the company. My wife gets a call yesterday saying she was identified as contacting someone two people down the chain, but the caller didn’t give any directions on what to do. This just feeds the panic!!!!
    When she told me I just walked over to the medicine cabinet and took my daily C, D, and zinc, along with some quercetin, and ivermectin for prevention since I may now be exposed. It’s that simple. I’ll keep you guys up to date on my status.

  2. My school teacher friend just stood in line for 2.5 hours with coughing assholes & the dregs of humanity to get tested to see if he had OmiCrotch. Last week he was in line getting Shot #3.

    They said results would take 6 to 7 days.

    He was not happy with me when I told him that he definitely has the OmniCrotch NOW!

    My Doctor friend says, Don’t worry, we are ALL going to get this one within 1 month.

    Cheers, Just about to Crack a pint of German Winter Bock!


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