Hit and Run Snowmobiler Slams into Sled Dog Team in Northern Wisconsin – IOTW Report

Hit and Run Snowmobiler Slams into Sled Dog Team in Northern Wisconsin

Minneapolis Star Tribune

A weekend snowmobile hit-and-run in northwestern Wisconsin left a sled dog — who finished the 860-mile Iditarod last March — with a severely broken leg.

John Beargrease [a sled dog race in Northern MN] and Iditarod sled dog race veteran Ryan Redington was running 15 dogs Saturday night on the Tri-County Corridor, a well-groomed multi-use trail that connects Superior to Ashland. The team was traveling in Bayfield County’s Iron River, finishing the last three miles of a 40-mile run.

“A snowmobile came on at a high rate of speed, veered into my team and collided with my dogs, barely missing me,” said Redington, who tipped his sled off the trail to attempt to avoid the collision. More

The Tri-County Corridor is not without problems. This past November the director for the trail took a no contest plea on embezzling over $200,000 from the trail’s funds.

14 Comments on Hit and Run Snowmobiler Slams into Sled Dog Team in Northern Wisconsin

  1. Either power toboggan enthusiast will police their own and clean up their act or it will be dealt with it the same way the jet ski menace was dealt with.

    Article II. Personal Watercraft

    10.28.100 Definitions.
    “Personal watercraft” means a vessel of less than 16 feet in length, as manufactured, that uses a motor powering a water jet pump as its primary source of motive power and that is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing or kneeling on the vessel, rather than in the conventional manner of sitting or standing inside the vessel. (Ord. 7-1998 § 3)

    10.28.110 Restrictions on the use of personal watercraft on freshwater lakes.
    Personal watercraft shall not be operated in San Juan County on fresh water lakes with public access, which are: Sportsman Lake, Hummel Lake, Mountain Lake, Cascade Lake, Egg Lake and Killebrew Lake. (Ord. 7-1998 § 4)

    10.28.120 Restrictions on the use of personal watercraft on the marine waters of San Juan County.
    Personal watercraft shall not be operated on the marine waters of San Juan County.

    The provisions of this section shall not apply to:

    A. A personal watercraft engaged principally in commercial operations constituting an act of interstate or foreign commerce and so long as during such the personal watercraft is operated along the most direct route practicable;

    B. A personal watercraft operating under a permit issued by the United States Coast Guard;

    C. A personal watercraft operating under a permit issued by San Juan County;

    D. For emergency purposes when there is reasonable belief that such use is necessary to protect or preserve persons, animals or property. (Ord. 7-1998 § 5)

  2. I was invited to go bass fishing with a neighbor when I was 17 years old. He had a tuna rod in his boat with a big pine wood top water bait that had three sets of big treble hooks solidly attached to it with with screw eyes and a bait casting reel spooled with 100 lb braided Dacron line.

    Water skier buzzed us at about 100 yards distance and my neighbor said, he’s going to keep it up until he is on top of us. We are on a twenty square mile lake and I saw the assholes spot us and its 7 AM and there are only two boats on the whole lake and he needed to come harass us. My neighbor had patience and let him just keep circling and getting closer and closer until about nine o’clock when he came by about ten yards from our boat and it was obvious we were about to get soaked. My neighbor casted that bait across the tow rope and then braced himself and waited for the line to slide up the tow rope and damn if he didn’t practically rip the bastard’s arm out of the socket when he took a turn on the handle of the reel and set the hooks.

    My neighbor was retired navy and not one to fuck around with.

  3. Not just drunk assholes, but assholes. My wife and I were in AZ on some BLM land, being piloted on a dune buggy by some asshole who my wife is related to…on two tires and nearly killed everybody he passed. Nearly. He didn’t kill any of them. But he was quite excited he didn’t kill any of them.

    I don’t know what to type about that. Other than I never wanted to do it again.

    I’ve been 198 indicated on a public road on a Ducati 996. I did it twice. I’m fine with never doing it again.

  4. My relative let me drive his Porsche Once.


    When we got out of the car his face was so red it looked like someone pissed on it.

    He got nervous when I asked him where 1st gear was.
    `Up left, are you sure you know how to drive stick`, he asked.

    I told him 1st was `Down Left`on a Ferrari, then I scared the living shit out of him right before Passover.

    Still slow compared to my bike though.

    We still talk about that and getting chased out of a wedding we crashed in Ottawa.

    Luv Ya Frank you Irish – Scottish Bastage!

  5. Mickey Moussaoui

    You ain`t had fun yet until you mountain bike & the connecting trails have fresh Horse Shit on them that your front tires pick up & shoots into your chin.


  6. My brother and I were fishing in the mouth of a tidal creek.
    There is a sandbar in the middle of the mouth, we would anchor in the middle, over the bar at high tide, and fish the current as the tide went out.
    It was nice cause you could fish the bank on both sides, the red fish would follow the marsh edge as the tide receded.
    Small crabs were their target as they came out of the marsh.
    With us in the middle, lines out both sides, very good fishing spot on an outgoing tide.
    Throw upstream and fish the edge, the outgoing tide floated your bait along the marsh.
    We had just gotten started when this asshole came into the creek and caught my brothers line with the boat.
    Yep, line was stripped, there went $30 of braided line and a top rig. We tried to wave him off, asshole.
    You never tie your line to the spool, the reason is obvious.
    Anyway, we had other rods in the boat, fishing went on.
    About 2 hours in and a few nice keepers, the tide had dropped and we were bumping the bottom.
    We moved to one side of the creek into deeper water and kept fishing.
    Then we heard it, boat coming, we pulled the lines in cause we knew it was the same asshole.
    Coming out of the creek at ebb tide you have to hug one bank or the other, if you know about the bar, he didn’t.
    He’s blasting up the creek, full throttle. I look over at my brother:
    “You gonna wave him off?”
    “I hope the asshole hangs that brand new boat up high on the oyster rake.”
    Etiquette is to slow when passing fishermen, not this asshole.
    My brother’s wish came true, put that brand new Trashliner(Bayliner)up on the rake.
    They implored us to help, after we stopped laughing, we told them to fuck off and left with our catch.
    This was before cell phones, they were stuck until the next high tide, maybe 10 hours.
    Hope the boat took on water, fiberglass and oyster rakes, don’t get along.
    Karma, it’s real.


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