Speaking of Resets… – IOTW Report

Speaking of Resets…

Patriot Retort: I mentioned the other day that Team Kamala is once again hitting the reset button on their girl. Well, it looks like resets are even more contagious than the Omicron variant in this White House because now Joe Biden’s people are hitting a reset button of their own.

Now that old Joe is polling worse than the clap, the White House is “plotting” a reset to convince the American public that the vindictive, divisive asshole who thinks they’re all bigots and traitors is actually an empathetic, compassionate grandfather figure.

This of course is would be a reset of the previous reset where the White House convinced the American public that the empathetic, compassionate grandfather figure was actually a vindictive, divisive asshole who thinks they’re all bigots and traitors.

Resets are, in a nutshell, do-overs.

So how many resets do these guys get?

Problem is, while the White House “plots” their reset, old Joe is still out there accusing supporters of election integrity laws of peddling “Jim Crow 2.0.” Maybe before they “plot” one of their resets, they should let the old guy in on it so he isn’t using the talking points from the previous reset. more

9 Comments on Speaking of Resets…

  1. What a pair of Dunces. The Dementiacrats who foisted this pair of congenital liars on the country must be fondling their prayer beads and consulting their Tarot Cards looking for a way out of this disaster. It’s becoming blindingly obvious to almost everyone that Dementia Joe and the Kalamitous Jamindian are a pair spectacularly self-sabotaging imbeciles.

  2. Studies show every jab damages your immune system more to the point you have negative protection. Seems to be the same thing with these clowns. Every reset makes them more clownish and makes more people awaken to the ridiculousness of their regime. Keep on resetting. By the time they get to Nov their support will be down to the 20s.

  3. @Marco January 21, 2022 at 1:00 pm

    > The Dementiacrats who foisted this pair of congenital liars on the country must be fondling their prayer beads and consulting their Tarot Cards looking for a way out of this disaster.

    Miss me, yet?

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