Why you should Never try to prove you are not racist – IOTW Report

Why you should Never try to prove you are not racist

This is not only funny, but it’s 100% accurate-

26 Comments on Why you should Never try to prove you are not racist

  1. If we are such a racist country how come there wasn’t a huge outcry when white ‘Jake’ from State Farm was replaced with black ‘Jake’ from State Farm?

    BTW, couldn’t they just made it ‘Jamal’ from State Farm?
    Not really a stretch…

  2. Just tell them you like soul food, works every time.

    The ability not to give a shit about other people and their opinions is about the most liberating thing you can do.

    He is right about MLK and the absurdity of his deification. If any black guy deserves his own holiday it’s George Floyd.

  3. The advice given in this video is excellent; I learned this lesson the hard way when I tried to deal rationally with a crazy person. The natural instinct of almost everyone is to try to defend ones self, but you can’t so either ignore the troll or just state “you’re wrong, and you’re not worth any more of my time.”

    Social media has made paper tigers out of thousands of loons because it’s easy to throw out accusations and insults electronically and, usually, anonymously. These people say things over the internet that they would never do in person – I would never accuse Bad Brad to his face of racism. (To be clear, he’s not – but he seems to be big and spends a lot of time working out). What these trolls generally want is attention and ignoring them is absolutely the best way to get them to move on.

  4. The most racist people in the US are black people, often violently so, and not a goddamn motherfucking thing gets done about it because the cunts in the federal government have officially proclaimed that black people can never be racist and that white people can never not be racist. All race problems in the US come from the 50 year old “social justice” bureaucracy that the asshole feds put in place with no sunset, ever.

  5. Most crimes are caused by black Americans
    Most government benefits go to by black Americans
    Most children that eat 3 free meals/day are by black Americans
    Most obnixious whiners are by black Americans
    Most undeserving college scholarship recipients are by black Americans
    Most by black Americans voted for Obozo to stick it to whitie, not because they could possibly know who he was/is
    Most shit music which is obscenity laced are violent toward whites is bought and listened to by black Americans
    Most professional sports, which are illegally supported by government monies, employ almost solely black Americans

    I don’t like/condone any of the above, so yeah, racist me, don’t like most of today’s black Americans

  6. Let me tell you something about this.
    I am naturlaized US citizen, my father brought us here from a war zone, waited in line, paid our dues, arrived here legally, through the door.
    I still get called names and get accused of being racist for defending innocent people from being called racist, and arguing actual racism exists in all groups. We suffered from it in my country of birth before coming here. Here in the US, almost all of the “racism” accusations I see are either made up, or blown out of proportion, and when I defend the innocent person who is falsely accused of racism, or suggest it is much less here, I get accused of being a racist.
    I am not exactly white (nothing wrong in being white), but when I get accused of racism (by mostly white liberals no less) that should tell you how they are weaponizing that.
    I agree. Never defend yourself against such ridiculous accusations. You will only give them more fuel, and now they are going to put everything you say under the microscope, take it out of context to come at you with more accusations.

  7. I believe is the freedom to discriminate. To choose my friends, where I shop, what I do with my time and where I live. I won’t live anywhere with blacks. Not anywhere near them AAMOF. I haven’t for decades and some how my life has been fine. Gee wonder why?

    OTOH I wouldn’t deny opportunities that are worked for to anyone.

    In years past, I had never really thought about my whiteness but now that every day my face gets rubbed in the supposed evil that we are, I have taken stock and white people kick ass. And have been for centuries. When our ancestors were building Notre Dame and composing symphonies, Africans were living in mud huts & had never seen s fucking wheel. For all of the idiots that think this country was built by blacks or that diversity is our strength, you’re fucking delusional and can FOAD.

    If that makes me a racist, tough shit.

    And as The Mule points out, the pass blacks have gotten ain’t good on my block.

  8. I was talking with a black friend a month ago and others (white SJWs) who overheard parts of the conversation and confronted me about what I had said, which was a direct quote of what another black friend had told me happened to him.

    By the time the friend who I was speaking with straightened them out they could have walked under the belly of a snake. It was that good.

  9. One enemy at a time and that enemy ain’t blacks.

    The 2 axioms I’ve embraced over the years re: race relations; We are all God’s children, created in his image with the free will to accept his salvation, and those black people, for the most part, want what every other American race wants; safety, security, and to be left unencumbered by outside forces so he can live his life the way he chooses. The American dream has no skin color requirements.

    And as far as black crime, the majority of the nation’s D.A.’s are white. They are the ones emboldening all criminals and making the populace unsafe by not doing their jobs.

  10. Hey Evil White Man, not only do I have the same collection of Lawn Jockeys but I have a complete set of Porch Monkee figurines as well, so go ahead and call me racists!!!!, like I give a big rat’s ass. I have been accused of being a racist since I moved to Florida in the early 80’s but all of the shithead dumbass yankee assholes that knew so much more than any dumb redneck that grew up in the deep south, Alabama, they all asked me if I still encouraged white’s only fountains and bathrooms and I used to laugh at them then and still do. We segregated male from female in our outhouses, silly butt sniffers.

  11. Hey Evil White Man, not only do I have the same collection of Lawn Jockeys but I have a complete set of Porch Monkee figurines as well, so go ahead and call me racists!!!!, like I give a big rat’s ass. I have been accused of being a racist since I moved to Florida in the early 80’s but all of the shithead dumbass yankee assholes that knew so much more than any dumb redneck that grew up in the deep south, Alabama, they all asked me if I still encouraged white’s only fountains and bathrooms and I used to laugh at them then and still do. We segregated male from female in our outhouses, silly butt sniffers.

  12. I don’t like Italians.

    Does that make me rassiss?

    I AM Italian.
    I have found that most often it is you own kind that tries to rip you off or fuck you over.

    Most people who are different than myself have usually been nicer & more respectful of me.

  13. Just a point to make, in this country racism is no one’s biggest problem. It’s not even anyone’s fifth biggest problem. It’s an easy claim to make if you’re BIPOC and need an excuse for something.

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