Yup. – IOTW Report


h/t Doc.

11 Comments on Yup.

  1. If it were a guillotine it would be more appropriate.

    If any contemporary company is offering powered guillotines I hope they have a three phase option that will run more efficiently at high output. Would not want to have them unwillingly contribute to global warming any more than absolutely necessary while we are cleaning up this mess.

  2. @Brad January 24, 2022 at 1:08 am

    > There’s no way the country survives another three years of these clowns. And there is the small matter of a stolen election

    The election was not stolen. It was canceled. By The United States Government. For The United States Government. Just under a year-and-a-half ago. What’s going to change in twice that time?

    Telling the fools “Just another two weeks. To flatten the ‘steal’.”, the ‘curve’, the ‘grift’… doesn’t strengthen their resolve. It keeps them striving to support the thieves, the liars, the grifters.

  3. I’m sure the Dems have their own great reset planned for Joe and company. The long hooked pole or maybe they’ll use the 25th on him. They have to have a plan to stay in power.

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