Rules Are You… – IOTW Report

Rules Are You…

As California is subjected to strict rules, the guv of Cali, and the mayor of L.A. do what they please…

12 Comments on Rules Are You…

  1. And there are two messages here, the virus isn’t as bad as we said and we are the elite ruling class who are not subject to the rules we force upon you. Maybe there’s a third message like politicians think they have special powers as in the matrix where they are able to bend the rules and not get the deadly COVID.

  2. “I have the Power; You don’t.”
    “Eat Shit and Like It!”
    “Now, smile and tell me shit tastes like chocolate – DO IT!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hey Gavin, has your young daughter gotten her vax yet like she’s supposed to? Or did the bad reaction you had to your jabs scare the shit out of you.

    I don’t expect the fellating media to ever tell us the truth or hold you to account for your hypocrisy, but you make it obvious anyway.

  4. Wayne Wilson January 31, 2022 at 8:47 am

    I wonder if newsome realizes that oral with magic is trouble.

    Only if he swallows, but with Gavin’s Bells Palsy that he got from the jab, he won’t feel a thing. I wonder if Newsom learned his lesson about entering foreign objects into his body. AIDS would be the icing on the cake.

  5. If there is only one take-away in the modern era (or any era) it’s people who answer to the call of the world DO NOT HAVE a conscience about wrong-doing, including hypocrisy, so let’s stop being shocked by their behavior. Further, Leftists NEVER think in terms of individuals; a majority of their kind following the rulz is proof enough that their collective is “doing the right thing.” Further, further: Leftist minions grant their Dear Leaders immunity from the rulz because they understand how burdened their Dear Leaders are.

  6. Gavin’s just following his mandate the way the rest of California is. Ignoring it. Hell Villanueva refuses to enforce it so it’s even ignored in LA county. The only Counties I know of that enforce it are San Fransisco, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz. Nazi Sheriffs.

    As far as recalling any Libtard in Cali, impossible. Everything is rigged.


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