Wakey, Wakey Eggs and Bakey! – IOTW Report

Wakey, Wakey Eggs and Bakey!

Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour???

Images from:

1) NAAC (Simon) Taken years ago. Simon was a sun lover.
2) NAAC (Kilo and Logan) If you want to learn about finding comfort, study cats.
3) Jack Daniels
4) Rick (Lucas)
5) Old guy (Violet)
6) Russian Bot (Neo and Ash)
7) Marco (Jamison)
8) Cisco Kid (Sleeping Critter – Mystique)
9) JustAl

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 03-20, First Day of Spring -Is Winter Over? – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Let’s celebrate the first day of spring with winter pictures mixed with spring pictures!
  • 03-27, How Can You Resist Me – Critters who are adorable, rascally, pouty, sly, sweet, beguiling, etc.
  • 04-3, You and Your Critters – Let’s see some pictures of you and your critters. I will pixelate your faces (but not your critters!) unless you specifically tell me not to (meaning that you want us to see you!).

Thank you, contributors!

11 Comments on Wakey, Wakey Eggs and Bakey!

  1. …huh, having some deja vu this morning.

    It’s almost like I’ve seen this post somewhere before 😉

    …must just be me, I’m a little punchy from getting up an hour early to set this 127 clocks I have to before my factory can run.

    Nice collection, Lady C, thanks for the sleepy, fuzzy break.

    God bless,

  2. Don’t wake them! It’s not time yet to move to another place to get some real sleep. It’s going to be a long day. They all need their full sixteen hours of deep sleep.

  3. I put the alarm clock on the floor next to the bed so I’d remember to spring ahead this morning and reset clocks all over the house. This is a BS pain.

  4. The only good thing about DST is that the Sun will set at nearly 7 PM this afternoon. Which means I won’t have to drive so much in the dark when I’m coming back down from Montana today after delivering all my flowers. Winter is finally almost over, thank goodness. I want standard time back all year round like it was before 1966 or so and the Sun would be up before 4 AM in the morning, I’m a morning person which I got from my farmer grandfather who was always up early in the morning.

  5. It’s funny how critters can sleep just about anywhere and in just about any position and we humans need the perfect mattress, pillow, covers, room temperature….


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