Chris Cuomo’s Lawsuit Against CNN Names Names – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo’s Lawsuit Against CNN Names Names

Chris “Fredo” Cuomo pulled the trigger on his promised $125 million lawsuit against CNN Thursday, the far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence.

The lawsuit contains several stunning accusations about a CNN so corrupt, so in bed with disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), that CNN asked the governor to schedule news conferences during times that would boost CNN’s ratings. More

7 Comments on Chris Cuomo’s Lawsuit Against CNN Names Names

  1. The lawsuit contains several stunning accusations about a CNN so corrupt


    I do not think that word means what you think it means.

  2. Those who work against the Lord God Almighty will all cone to naught…

    Evil venomous snakes eating other vipers. Why would any person expect any different from these scum of the earth.

    PDJT is a vain and imperfect man but he loves God and his country.
    No man chosen by God has been perfect, many deeply flawed, but he has used them to bring Satan lovers low.

    Jesus was the only perfect man, but PDJT was an instrument for good over evil, now the evil CNN will be destroyed.

    Amen to that. Praise God.

  3. SNL’s Garrett Morris shows you how to name names…

    “Chico would, at 41, attempt a comeback with the Mets, the team he had scandalized in his book “Bad Stuff About The Mets.”

    Some excerpts, in Chico’s words:

    “Tom Seaver always take up two parking space … Yogi Berra is bera, bera bad card player … Ed Kranepool, he always borrow Chico’s soap and never return it.””



    who cares when a snake eats its own tail.


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