According to the BBC, Heterosexuality Invented in 1934 – IOTW Report

According to the BBC, Heterosexuality Invented in 1934

Red State

Sometimes on the weekends, after I’ve written two to three news cycle-related pieces, I kick back and write about something light. You know, out-of-the-mainstream kinda stuff. Like heterosexuality as we know it, was not only invented, it was invented in1934. OK, not exactly light, but out of the mainstream, just the same.

So suggests BBC Future in an article titled “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality.”  More

15 Comments on According to the BBC, Heterosexuality Invented in 1934

  1. “According to the BBC, Heterosexuality Invented in 1934”

    …and you know that’s true because up to that point, the population of the entire world was about six people, all wearing Mardi Gras outfits…

  2. Can we just cut the bullshit on this stuff? There are two sexes – male and female. Yes, I am aware that there are hermaphrodites, etc., but these are genetic abnormalities. There are only two genders – male and female – and gender is not a “social construct.” You cannot change your gender; you can mutilate your body, but you are what you are.

    Some people either want to be the other sex, or like to dress up in the other sex’s clothing (think J. Edgar Hoover). But wearing women’s underwear does not make you a woman. This practice has been around for a long, long time and it’s nothing new. Just as homosexuality has been around for a long, long time and is nothing new (Sodom and Gomorra). Just as sexual deviancy has been around for a long, long time (Caligua, Henry XIII, etc.). In many European societies and probably other cultures, prostitution was historically acceptable.

    So let’s quit pretending we are discovering sex and sexual practices/desires that have been around probably forever.


    The Torah VERBALLY preceded:
    Old Testament 2700 years old
    New Testament 2000 years old
    The Other guys 630 years old

    and Ass Fuckery Banned by all.

  4. My goodness! How DID we ever manage to procreate as a homo sapiens species, from Cro Mangnon to today, if heterosexuality was only recently invented in 1934?
    That news would come as a big surprise to my married heterosexual ancestors.

  5. I’m sure that several millenniums ago they figured out that man lying with men, caused diseases. Therefore it was condemned.
    But if somebody profited from homosexuality, they would be all in favor of it. Maybe even owned 17 patents for it.
    Somebody is making money, or it wouldn’t be happening.

  6. A variant on the 1619 project centered around sexuality. Andy Warhol told the world that everyone would experience their own 15 minutes of fame. What he didn’t envision was that it would cost us so dearly and last so much longer. It worked out well for the author of the 1619 project and this is just someone seeking their own 15 minutes.

    Children are being taught the revisionist history presented in the 1619 project and accept it as truth because their minds are empty and eager to be filled. Now, unfortunately, they’ll be taught about the big changes that came about in 1934 by the same bad-actors and for the same reasons.

    Utopia is being crafted at supersonic speed before our very eyes. We’re told we’ll own nothing and be happy about it.

    I still believe we have the means to stop all of this. How many will end up hearing their grandchildren ask of them why, when they had millions of guns, did they not fire a single shot?


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