Biden Double-Talking About Putin Regime Change Remark, Says NO ONE Believes He Meant What He Said – IOTW Report

Biden Double-Talking About Putin Regime Change Remark, Says NO ONE Believes He Meant What He Said

9 Comments on Biden Double-Talking About Putin Regime Change Remark, Says NO ONE Believes He Meant What He Said

  1. The Pedos only real aspiration is an ice cream cone and to fondle children.

    No thanks to him but things may be cooling off, and we may yet survive his imbecilic juvenile posturing…

    He’s actually standing here admitting that’s all this was.

    He is so fucking stupid.

    Lord save us from this mindless cretin.

  2. Again…If someone has to brag about their IQ, I’ll guarantee you they’re running on fumes and Jackass Joe is the perfect example! The fool couldn’t tell you what he had for breakfast let alone what he said last week!!

  3. Dementia Joe is absolutely correct! Most people don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Even his Plantation Dwelling Base know he’s a blithering, senile, confused old man, reading words written by other people off a teleprompter or a cue card. He’s going to be heading to the Wilmington Hideout in a day or so to sort things out with his Managers and Handlers. Even the Ukrainians and the Russians don’t take him seriously, why should we?

  4. Got some bad news for ya, Joey … traitorous usurping lying kleptocratic demented pedophiles shouldn’t be running countries, either!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Time to invoke the 25th amendment.
    “for God’s sake, this man can not remain in power”
    When Grampa Poopypants was running for office he said if his health became an issue he would step down. Well, his mental health is an issue.
    Either step down or be tossed out.

  6. He’s always been simply in place to take the blame for the damage done after he’s gone. Even if he survives he won’t be able to run in 2024. Too much baggage.
    At that point I would love to see a debate between him and Trump.
    Joe would screw up a question on what his favorite color was, geez he screw that up now.


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