Sacrilege or Spectacular? – IOTW Report

Sacrilege or Spectacular?

Earlier this month, a performer at the Kennedy Center, Lionel Yu, took privileges with Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and gave the audience sonic ride few will ever forget.

Would you have wanted your money back or cry out for more? Watch

37 Comments on Sacrilege or Spectacular?

  1. His additions and embellishments lack the aesthetic sophistication of the material he borrows from.

    That said, I enjoyed most of the performance. Mr. Yu has a lot of talent and astounding energy. I’d like to hear some original compositions instead of the kind of mashup he gave us here.

  2. How many millions of our hard-earned dollars did Nan send to the leftard Kenedy Center so that a handful of suplicants in face diapers can enjoy their privilged evening?

  3. I don’t know the original at all and I know very little about classical music. I find it kind of depressing really so it’s not my cuppa tea.

    Obviously the piano player is REALLY talented. The Dub step addition was cool but was it that earth shattering? Maybe to the elite in the audience it was.

    For whatever reason I thought of this Elton John song after listening to that. I guess I like my piano with guitars and drums.

    On UTube-
    Elton John LIVE FULL HD – Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding (Budokan, Tokyo, Japan) | 2001

  4. Love it! I am a huge fan of Moonlight Sonata, this was a passionate riff on it. Not thrilled with the synth drums but otherwise great.
    Music is filled with reinterpretations. Emerson, Lake, and Powell (yes, Powell) did a powerful rendition of Holst’s Mars, Bringer of War. My former church organist Christoph Bull (rock star of the organ) does all sorts of variations, including an organ/violin duet of Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir. All good stuff.

  5. Whomever linked to a video with Bill Evens would like it.

    There was no recording back then other than writing it down once it was created. The individuality eventually disappeared and the music was “locked” into a static performance after that.

    This was beautiful. It was alive. Not just live.

    The static nature of classical music made me nauseous as a child. One note different in length or strength and you were “not doing it right”. What’s the point of a live performance then? Just drop the needle down and don’t even bother hitting the keys yourself. You’re just seeing if it’s a good imitation.

  6. I linked the Bill Evans. And no, I don’t like people who mess around with sheet music.

    When you play Beethoven, you play Beethoven. Some shit is sacrosanct.

    And to call Kempff static…

  7. There is one way of playing something different that irritates me greatly.

    When a song is played with exact notes and words, but at a faster tempo like they are showing off they can play it really fast. I never get to enjoy any of it if they rush through every song like they’re trying to get through the song list and head home with the check in hand.

    There was a live trio at my sailing club one weekend and it was like listening to a 45 rpm record being played at 55.72 rpm. Just stop! Damn. No individual interpretation, just speedy playing. Not even good background music.

    Music to irritate you by.

  8. Jazz is jazz. Rock is rock, and blues is blues.

    I’m not, so as I think, being a cunt.

    There’s sheet music. And there’s other music.

    When we got sheet music we played it as sheet music. When we got chord changes we played the changes.

  9. Sergei Rachmaninoff could play any of his own pieces any tempo he wanted. And improvise any way he wanted. The same has been said of Beethoven playing his own pieces.

    But we can’t do that.

  10. Nope.

    I’ve played this piece for most of my life.

    After 5 seconds of his version, I had to shut it off and run to the piano to sooth my frayed nerves.

  11. As far as remixes and mashups go it’s OK. But, it’s like mixing cold vichyssoise soup with hot lobster bisque. If you feel like having one, you don’t feel like having the other.

  12. That was more than spectacular, that moved me deep in my soul. I love music. Real, live talented music. This was talent extraordinaire!

    Just so you know, I was sitting here alone in my room grinning like a dufus! Bravo!


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