She said what now? – IOTW Report

She said what now?

Kamala’s Latest Word Salad Is Just 50 Shades of Painful to Watch.

RedState | By Sister Toldjah

It seems like not a week goes by where we aren’t having to recap another one of Vice President Kamala Harris’ infamous word salads. Sadly, this week has been no exception.

It happened on Wednesday, when Harris met with Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness at the White House to reaffirm the United States’ commitment to supporting the Caribbean island and keeping up friendly diplomatic relations. Things started off rather mundanely as Harris noted her familial ties to the region (her father Donald J. Harris, a retired Stanford economics professor, emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in the early 1960s):

Harris, in brief remarks during a photo opportunity with reporters, noted her Jamaican descent and trips to the island in her childhood as she welcomed Holness.

“We are acutely aware of the interconnection and interdependence between the United States and Jamaica,” Harris said, adding that she shared a “history with millions of Americans who have their roots through the generations in Jamaica.”


Wednesday’s meeting commemorated the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the countries. Harris said the two leaders discussed new efforts to help Jamaica recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, crime prevention efforts, the environment and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

But then things got a little awkward when Harris talked about how the United States would help the country in its COVID relief efforts. See if you can make sense of this: read more

20 Comments on She said what now?

  1. Please cut her some slack! This is the first time the Kalamitous Jamindian has returned to the birthplace of her father, the Black Colored Marxist who sired her and then deserted her Brown Colored Hindu Socialist Mother and two daughters. Of course she’s a little stressed and prone to get a bit tongue tied. The Jamindian Princess knows she’s going to replace Dementia Joe as President* in a year or so. Maybe sooner. Fweedom!

  2. @Thirdtwin, thanks for Oswald’s name. Often thought of Kamalalla as his twin sister.
    Like him, she needs to be incarcerated.
    Election fraud, taking the Oath of office she knows she didn’t earn, for one. There’s also criminally stoopitity

  3. Sometimes I wonder if the White House just wants to let her run her mouth, (with words, get your mind out of the gutter unless you’re Willie Brown), to tamp down any calls for the 25th Amendment about Slow Joe’s verbal gaffes.

  4. Wait, there is an interdependence between the US and Jamaica? What are we dependent on Jamaica for? In the past, I would put ganji in, but with multiple states legalizing MJ, we have enough legal sources right here.
    As for the rest of her incomprehensible statements, I gave up after about 5 words.

  5. There are more than 1.9 million Jamaicans living in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Florida. Almost everyone in Jamaica has a relative living in America. Not all of them are as stupid as the Veep Throat though. Fweedom!

  6. Well we now have a diagnosis of her incoherent thinking, laughing, and speaking, thanks to Mr.Willis.

    Kamala suffers from a cornucopia of problems. Delusional self-importance, grandiose expectations of her value, empty brain syndrome and now aphasia.

  7. Wait. I’m still trying to understand her “importance of the passage of time” remark. Like, you know, does time have it’s own passageway, or, is it like a ship that makes an ocean voyage? Can you close a door in the passageway and stop time, Ms. Harris? If you do, what will happen to it? Could it blow up? Or can you divert time to a different destination and what happens to the people who don’t receive their time delivery and then run out of time?

    You know what I think is important, Ms. Harris? You and the President are out of time.

  8. “As for the rest of her incomprehensible statements, I gave up after about 5 words.”

    Thanks, RogerF. I didn’t want to click on it anyway.
    Would you rather listen to the Queen’s I Pod with Barky’s speeches?

  9. I was mistaken in my previous post and have been corrected. We are reliant on Jamaica for Bob Marley. What is that? He has been dead for 40 years? Nevermind. I stick with my previous statement.

  10. I’ve been to Jamaica.
    Absolute shit hole.
    It should be quarantined.
    And any Jamaicans (any who claim kinship with Jamaica) here should be repatriated.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. President Stand-in Klain has not given her clearance to conduct negotiations involving specific dollar amounts or quantified promises of other services. That’s why she’s reduced to bland incoherent ramblings. Well, that and her innate lack of gravitas and intelligence.

  12. Oops, I just found out that the Veep Throat’s comments were actually made at the White House. This means the Jamindian Princess has no excuse for being nervous or incomprehensible. She is just being herself, the first Vice President in history who has managed to devalue the bucket of warm urine that this Executive Office is worth. Fweedom!


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