Bidens Paid Less Taxes in 2021 than 2020 Despite Earning More Income – IOTW Report

Bidens Paid Less Taxes in 2021 than 2020 Despite Earning More Income


President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill paid less federal taxes in 2021 than in 2020, despite the couple earning more income in 2021.

In 2021, Joe and Jill Biden reported $610,702 in earned income and paid 24.6 percent in federal taxes. In the year prior, they reported $607,336 in earnings. Despite the nearly $4,000 increase in income, the Biden family paid almost $7,000 less in federal income tax for 2021.

The Bidens paid a $157,414 tax bill in 2020, compared to $150,439 in federal taxes for 2021. The couple also paid $30,765 in Delaware state taxes, and Jill Biden paid $2,721 in Virginia state taxes, according to the couple’s joint tax return.

A majority of the couple’s income comes from Joe Biden’s $400,000 presidential salary, of which he took home $378,333 due to being inaugurated on January 20, 2021. Jill Biden took home $67,116 from a Northern Virginia Community College teaching position. An additional $61,995 in income was reported from two S corporations, CelticCapri Corp. and Giacoppa Corp. more here


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8 Comments on Bidens Paid Less Taxes in 2021 than 2020 Despite Earning More Income

  1. The fact that a democrat actually paid taxes is progress I suppose?
    Of course President Trump donated his salary.
    These greedy grifting fucks would NEVER do that.
    I suppose joe* can’t really go on a speaking tour after his presidency because he will be dead…

    Good to see the 800 million we sent to Ukraine come from these dickheads as well.

  2. Sure, that’s their “reported income.” It doesn’t include Joe’s 10% (or more, the 10% sounds like a ruse) from Hunter’s illegal deals in Ukraine and China.

    Things remain good for the Biden Crime Family, safely ensconced in the biggest crime syndicate on the planet.

  3. …Audit in 3…2…oh, who am I kidding, we don’t worry about fellow Democrats!

    …now, as for YOU, maybe you should come in so we can “talk” about that lamp you sold on ebay last year, I don’t remember seeing you pay taxes on THAT, so you should maybe make arrangements to be gone a long, long time and for your family to live somewhere else while we sell “your” house for the penalty, with% for The Big Guy, natch…


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